Good for you! Best thing about the treadmill is that if it feels like it is too strenuous, you just turn it down or get off. Not like going on a long hike that you have to walk back from, even if you are wiped out.
The thing with driving is that they don't like you doing a lot of flexing of the hips and abdomen right after abdominal surgery. Of course, if you drive an automatic, that is less of an issue. Plus, if you are taking pain meds, they don't want that liability. I will tell you that I was driving in less than a week after my hernia repair, but I am not the best example to go by. Still, it was just around town.
I have a big LCD TV in front of my treadmill. My husband thought he'd rather just enjoy looking out the window. He found out that after about 10 minutes, he got bored and just watched the timer on the treadmill display. So, I always have a bunch of shows recorded on the DVR to keep my mind off the marching...