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Hi, Maddie.

I eat canned beans. Specifically, the canned "British Style Baked Beans". I don't go for the variety with lots of additives like molasses, or heavy tomato sauces or pork. Just the British Style Baked Beans with a small amount of sauce in it. This variety produces solid and formed stools. Like a healthy colon. I know a lot of j pouchers cannot eat beans because of gas. I started including beans in the second year of my j pouch, starting eating very small amounts 1/2 cup, and using them in stews and chili (I made my own vegetable chilli in a slow cooker, using the smallest amount of chilli powder, just enough for the taste really, and chewed everything well).  Since then, every time I eat canned beans the result is like having a perfect colon.

If you are talking about using dry beans and soaking them overnight, and then cooking them, I do not know how those would work for j pouchers. I've never tried to make a bean recipe from dried beans (too much work - all that soaking overnight!)  I suspect that the cooking process makes a big difference, and I think the canned beans are already well cooked and processed in a way that dry beans made at home are not. If you try it, start slow and have a small amount, 1/2 cup of less, and see how it goes. Try it for a week or so, and see how it goes.

At the beginning of my K pouch life, I tried them a few times and cursed the darned things for all of the gas that they caused.

Later I learned to soak dried chickpeas overnight with a tbls of sodium bicarbonate and that seems to help a bit...somehow it helps to reduce the gassy effect but they are still gas factories.

I can eat about a tbls of Humous, a small bowl of lentils, or some other beans but I need to really chew well and never eat bread, pasta, potatoes or other starches at the same time...or I may float up to the ceiling!

It just is not worth it to me.


ps. we are all different

I cook beans from scratch - boil for 5-10 minutes, then simmer for about an hour, depending on the type of bean - in soups or refried or mashed with rice, cheese etc. and find they are very good for my digestive tract as well as delicious and healthy. I like Rancho Gordo beans - great varieties and fresher than supermarket beans.

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