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Help! Recently I was moving my daughter into an apartment with roomates and I was not willing to go to the bathroom there. Had to drive to convenience stores. Now, entering a totally new life because of divorce after 40 years together. Have been working on the grieving and lots of stuff, and am now dating a kind person, who didn't go through all the Jpouch stuff with me. Honestly I can't even hardly breath when I go poo. It's such a strong smell and it lingers, and I am so embarrassed. What do you all do for smell? And also the strange loud noises because of the gas bursts between the more solid formed bms? This is something I'd like to make less bad, because I know normal people leave smells in the bathroom, just not like open sewer lines. Covering it with air freshener would just make it worse.

I know he'll understand, but that's not the issue. I am horrified by it. Also, because of all the weirdness at the anus, keeping clean is on the top of my agenda, but peices of TP or wipes seem to hang around. I don't want to have to take a shower right before everytime I see him. Its not realistic. OK - SMELL, NOISE, CLEANLINESS without paper remnants. Portible bidet not realistic out in public, but I know someone was going to suggest that. Thanks everyone. I really need you for this!!

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I feel ya!

we can only do the best we can do.

I have a very understanding partner, and I need to have a window of opportunity for the intimate moments.  If not, then it’s a no go.

But seriously, I carry in my car, disposable wipes and a small size air freshener.

Because, let’s face the truth here; what’s coming out is raw sewage. It’s disgusting and embarrassing. Even when I can fart, it’s smells like I shit my pants!

I wish you all the best in this endeavor!

Oh, do I ever understand! I have found a spray that you spray into the toilet “Before you GO”. Seems to help a little. It’s a small bottle, you could carry in your handbag. I’ve put toilet paper in the bowl before to absorb the sound of poo plopping too.

I will be checking out the other suggestions here. Thanks!

Best of everything to you,

all this talk about smells in the bathroom after going and i guess im one of the lucky ones.

my pouch just became 22 years old on october 15th and honestly there are no smells comming after i defacate. and im in the bathroom atleast 10 times in a 24 hour period.

the coloned are more prone to leaving smells/scents in  the bathroom after going

also i wonder if my taking a probiotic every day promoting good bacteria in the gut keeping the bad away had some influence on not having an oder post evacuating/defacating

sorry to those of you who are having smell trouble after going but in my 22 years with a jpouch ive yet to smell up a bathroom following using it.  there is no smell from my effluent.


@Len78 posted:

all this talk about smells in the bathroom after going and i guess im one of the lucky ones.

my pouch just became 22 years old on october 15th and honestly there are no smells comming after i defacate. and im in the bathroom atleast 10 times in a 24 hour period.

the coloned are more prone to leaving smells/scents in  the bathroom after going

also i wonder if my taking a probiotic every day promoting good bacteria in the gut keeping the bad away had some influence on not having an oder post evacuating/defacating

sorry to those of you who are having smell trouble after going but in my 22 years with a jpouch ive yet to smell up a bathroom following using it.  there is no smell from my effluent.


That's fantastic, Len!  Which probiotic do you use?  Do you ever have any pouch troubles, or are you one of the lucky successful pouch people?

Honestly, I just give them a heads up about my pouch and try to explain it as effectively as I can. I do not like to hold back on my pooping to avoid causing more problems for myself. I let everything out when I need too.

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. Dr. Suess

Also too: you can always take your phone with you to the bathroom and play music so the people will not hear the farts coming out when its shitting time

@PSJ posted:

As others have said there are pills you can take ( I tried but seems like it may create other issues) or the spray in the toilet (that def helps) or you can try a small bottle of Ozium.  It is super strong and one quick spray will cover a lot.

My wife tells me I smell like a sewer.  Not helping.

Can your wife still smell you after the spray in the toilet???

Sometimes when I have to use a public restroom with other people in there I try to time the noisy bits for just as someone flushes or I flush. In someone elses home hope for a noisy fan. Flush as soon as it drops, then wipe while toilet refills and flush again. I can get by ok with a couple times wiping with tp but if I'm out all day  or overnight I have a bottle that is sold as a hydration bottle for hikers so if I do have to refill it in public no big deal.  I have a pen sized hand sanitizer spray bottle that I have filled with a home made before you go spray.

@Former Member posted:

Honestly, I just give them a heads up about my pouch and try to explain it as effectively as I can. I do not like to hold back on my pooping to avoid causing more problems for myself. I let everything out when I need too.

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. Dr. Suess

Also too: you can always take your phone with you to the bathroom and play music so the people will not hear the farts coming out when its shitting time

What is your favorite public farting/shitting music?

@Former Member posted:

Haha!! I love that question! Cardi B- I like it like that, Archangel- two steps from hell, Power princess shining bright, Monster High- out of the dark. Its hard not to dance when you hear that music on the toilet haha!!!

What is yours???

I sometimes use other people's flushes or running the sink just to be polite, mostly because other people might be disturbed by toilet sounds, but if nobody is making noise, I just let it loose. I ain't got time to fool around with covering up my farts and gushes. I don't think most people actually care that much and if they do, they just need to get over it! As far as dating, I wouldn't want a man who thinks women don't poop and fart and belch and sweat and etc....  I used to have a boyfriend that called me "trumpet butt" as a term of endearment. Nobody worth spending time with would be offended by butt sounds. I think this could be used as a fantastic screening tool! We j-pouch people could record our noisy butts for the colon people (without IBS) so they could play it when they go into the bathroom on a date to help keep the riffraff out.

@Sara Marie posted:

I sometimes use other people's flushes or running the sink just to be polite, mostly because other people might be disturbed by toilet sounds, but if nobody is making noise, I just let it loose. I ain't got time to fool around with covering up my farts and gushes. I don't think most people actually care that much and if they do, they just need to get over it! As far as dating, I wouldn't want a man who thinks women don't poop and fart and belch and sweat and etc....  I used to have a boyfriend that called me "trumpet butt" as a term of endearment. Nobody worth spending time with would be offended by butt sounds. I think this could be used as a fantastic screening tool! We j-pouch people could record our noisy butts for the colon people (without IBS) so they could play it when they go into the bathroom on a date to help keep the riffraff out.

Yeah I only like to play music at home when I am cleaning or something. If I am out in public or at someone's house, I let it loose haha! I will explain my condition to them and if they do not like it then oh well. I am not holding my poop in for anyone because that can lead to problems down the road. I use to run water when I am at someone's house so they do not hear me but i watched a video how its disrespectful to waste water for our environment because a lot of people need water. So I stopped doing that because of that reason.  I just let it loose: farts and all without music haha.

That is very nice how you are polite, I say fuck it haha. I agree, they need to get over it. And yeah exactly, men need to know we are not objects- we are a creature that poops and that has feelings. We are not this object that is hot all of the time and meant to be sexually gratifying all of the time. And haha! I love your ideas!! We should all follow them!!!

Were you offended being called Trumpet butt???

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