Although it has been over 35yrs I still remember it being difficult to heal shut.
They did not suture it completely but left it partially open and draining plus a hemovac to remove all of the accumulating fluids.
It was rather uncomfortable and I felt constant pressure and urges.
It took +/- 2 full months. I sat on an inflatable ring and used ice packs in the middle of it to reduce the swelling.
I still get pressure down there and a sudden feeling of having something in there that wants to come out...occasionally I swear if I push hard enough something sharp and pointy will be pushed out. (feels like they forgot something in there...phantom pains?)
I used to get those sudden urges that made me feel like I was about to have an accident and would break out in a cold sweat...that passed within months too.
35+yrs later I still dream 'it'...but now wake up clean. Nice.
I have a lot of scar tissue down there on the outside, not sure why or how it was sutured but it is not pretty (then again, no one is really looking
)...after a certain amount of time you can take sitz baths to help sooth it and heal better.
You have lived through the hardest part, just a little while longer and it is over and just a memory.