Hi Connie,
So sorry to hear about this. I've been having a similar problem since mid-November, intermittent bleeding and fatigue, though the fatigue comes and goes as well. My hemoglobin has dropped (it's back up a bit now, but mostly because I've doubled my iron). But far, EVERYTHING has been negative. Pouch looks great on scope, no cuffitis, no pouchitis, MRI really didn't show anything (no polyps or stenosis), and c.diff cultures were also negative. My GI suspects one or more bleeding ulcers somewhere in the GI tract, too small to show up on the MRI. I'm still worried about Crohn's but I have none of the other symptoms. My GI wants to do a camera pill endoscopy but provincial insurance doesn't cover it for standard diagnostics, so we're sitting on that for the moment until we can work around the red tape. Anyway, I'm in a holding pattern until my next bloodwork, which he wants to repeat in mid-May. If I find anything out in the interim, I will let you know.
Hopefully this soon will pass!