I have had nail problems for several years because of the systemic bacteria with pouchitis where the nail detaches from the skin and the nail almost falls off. Twice I have had to have finger surgery for drastically inflamed fingers. I have treated with mellaluca oil, (australian tee tree oil) for a couple years with success but now my body is acclimated to it that and it no longer works. Has anyone else had issues in this regard or has had success with treatment, thanks.
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This is usually fungal rather than bacterial, and I don't think it has anything to do with pouchitis. Nevertheless, I've had success with *oral* terbinafine (Lamisil) - a full course is 6-12 weeks. A similar drug for this purpose is itraconazole (Sporanox).
Thanks so much. Why do you think we get this? Do your nails almost fall off? When they did the culture on mine they found a couple different types of bacteria but perhaps that was coincidental.
Assuming it's onychomycosis (nail fungus), I'm not aware of any specific connection with IBD or J-pouches. OTOH onychomycosis is quite common, so you may just have both conditions.
If you've been on antibiotics in the past for pouchitis or other infections, it can lead to fungal growth. My husband has chronic nail issues like you are talking about (totally unrelated - no pouch), and he's found success with oregano oil (the diluted topical kind that you can put directly on the nails).
Not sure if this is the same or not but...
I had chronic infections at the level of the nail bed...they would get inflamed, red, crack, get painful and the whole fingertip would swell. (here they call it a Panari (sounds like canari)
The doctor perscribed finger baths in Dakin (which is essentially bleach) on a twice daily basis. Burned, hurt and stung to the point of tears.
I found something else that hurt a bit less and worked so much better.
I would crush either vit C or asprin tablet (depending on which I had in the house at the time) and mix one with a drop or 2 of water to create a paste. I would apply the paste to the nail and nail bed at night and wrap with a gauze strip and secure to protect the nail.
In the morning I would rince and go about my merry way...sometimes one treatment would do, others it would take a few days but it worked.
By the way, it has not come back since I stopped having pouchitis around 20yrs ago