enterobacter CLOACAE Anyone familiar with this? Long version: I'll call you thx!
Here's the dealio
Long version sorry
Infectious disease Is the next step.... The (looooonnnnggg history: chronic "UTI's" (or colonization -prob both) for months/years since late 2013. Intestinal bacteria in urine for the past few months. MRI showed no fistula but urologist says there's most likely a tiny one not detectable via imaging. Open blind end fistula posterior to perineum that drains/bleeds/ gets infected. Chronic vag yeasties. Resumed humira two weeks ago but rheum was slightly nervous bc of infections. Waiting to hear back from her and Philly GI. Urologist ain't the greatest clinician but she's attentive and allows me to partake in my tx plan. I see her weekly for bladder instillations for IC. We agreed that she would culture urine every week bc I am always symptomatic. Then it's up to me to take antib or not. Cipro resistant now. No one agrees with IV antib. Blah blah.
Here's the dealio
Long version sorry
Infectious disease Is the next step.... The (looooonnnnggg history: chronic "UTI's" (or colonization -prob both) for months/years since late 2013. Intestinal bacteria in urine for the past few months. MRI showed no fistula but urologist says there's most likely a tiny one not detectable via imaging. Open blind end fistula posterior to perineum that drains/bleeds/ gets infected. Chronic vag yeasties. Resumed humira two weeks ago but rheum was slightly nervous bc of infections. Waiting to hear back from her and Philly GI. Urologist ain't the greatest clinician but she's attentive and allows me to partake in my tx plan. I see her weekly for bladder instillations for IC. We agreed that she would culture urine every week bc I am always symptomatic. Then it's up to me to take antib or not. Cipro resistant now. No one agrees with IV antib. Blah blah.