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I'm feeling alot better now during the days as I think it takes about 6-8 hours for what I eat to come out the other end compared to 2-5 days for a person with a if I eat at midday and 3-4pm Im getting better sleep.

I'm now looking at returning to work.It was strange in the hospital seeing people more worried about their boss or careers than themselves and one guy even worked on his laptop and did conference calls up until his death.Its made me question how western society created retirement and living to work or working to live.

Has anyones lifestyles changed after the surgeries? ,Like sold up and left the rat race behind.

@Former Member posted:

I'm feeling alot better now during the days as I think it takes about 6-8 hours for what I eat to come out the other end compared to 2-5 days for a person with a if I eat at midday and 3-4pm Im getting better sleep.

I'm now looking at returning to work.It was strange in the hospital seeing people more worried about their boss or careers than themselves and one guy even worked on his laptop and did conference calls up until his death.Its made me question how western society created retirement and living to work or working to live.

Has anyones lifestyles changed after the surgeries? ,Like sold up and left the rat race behind.

I agree with everything you said! People need to treat themselves better for sure!

My lifestyle has definitely changed, I need more naps because I am soo fatigued!

I'm back to work tomorrow and I'm struggling as the last week I've been up most nights back and forth to the toilet.I went out today and bought a new duvet 500gsm and 2 pillows as I want to make sleeping as easy as possible.made ham tomato and mustard ,salt sandwich and going to take 2 bananas ,2 x 600ml electrolytes drinks a bidet bottle ,calmoseptine and a magnet,heating waist belt.crazy as I feel this doesn't work I'm going to sell up and move.

@Former Member posted:

I'm back to work tomorrow and I'm struggling as the last week I've been up most nights back and forth to the toilet.I went out today and bought a new duvet 500gsm and 2 pillows as I want to make sleeping as easy as possible.made ham tomato and mustard ,salt sandwich and going to take 2 bananas ,2 x 600ml electrolytes drinks a bidet bottle ,calmoseptine and a magnet,heating waist belt.crazy as I feel this doesn't work I'm going to sell up and move.

Good luck

Had my first day back at work after 14months off.I woke up feeling wide awake and not all groggy like when I had the UC.had to go 3 times before leaving for work.

I started at 6 am and had a break at 9am where I had a banana.had about two toilet trips by then and couldn't understand why as usually my mornings are quiet.but I didn't use my bidet bottle and ended up with a burning butt

Had a ham,tomato,mustard sandwich at 12pm and had to put calmoseptine on as my butt burn was getting bad and then struggled abit to finish at 2.30pm but my job is standing all day so I think that made more trips to the toilet,

I didn't take my husk in the morning or use the travel bidet which is why I probably had such a sore backside.but everybody was very happy to see me and it was a looooong day but I feel good for getting back to work.

@Former Member posted:

Had my first day back at work after 14months off.I woke up feeling wide awake and not all groggy like when I had the UC.had to go 3 times before leaving for work.

I started at 6 am and had a break at 9am where I had a banana.had about two toilet trips by then and couldn't understand why as usually my mornings are quiet.but I didn't use my bidet bottle and ended up with a burning butt

Had a ham,tomato,mustard sandwich at 12pm and had to put calmoseptine on as my butt burn was getting bad and then struggled abit to finish at 2.30pm but my job is standing all day so I think that made more trips to the toilet,

I didn't take my husk in the morning or use the travel bidet which is why I probably had such a sore backside.but everybody was very happy to see me and it was a looooong day but I feel good for getting back to work.

Glad you did good! What do you do for work???

I work on a printing machine .I feel like Tom Hanks in Joe v's the Volcano most days dreaming of getting away from the rat race but no Hawaiians would pay me to jump in the Volcano with Ulcerative Colitis I think the gods aren't to keen on that illness.only problem today was I was wearing khaki shorts and my butt crack was sweating so much it soaked my not sure why or how to stop it but my groin area is sweating alot,it may be a fungal infection.

What do you do Lauren?

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

I work on a printing machine .I feel like Tom Hanks in Joe v's the Volcano most days dreaming of getting away from the rat race but no Hawaiians would pay me to jump in the Volcano with Ulcerative Colitis I think the gods aren't to keen on that illness.only problem today was I was wearing khaki shorts and my butt crack was sweating so much it soaked my not sure why or how to stop it but my groin area is sweating alot,it may be a fungal infection.

What do you do Lauren?

Sounds cool! You probably get to print stuff for free then, that comes in handy

I am a caregiver for my dad

Going back to work has been great so far ,only going to the toilet once at work and feel great.I sleep better at night and feel almost normal hope this continues and to think some people choose the permanent bag is sad I couldn't do my job with the bag because of the crouching and bending down or even sweating.

@Former Member posted:

Going back to work has been great so far ,only going to the toilet once at work and feel great.I sleep better at night and feel almost normal hope this continues and to think some people choose the permanent bag is sad I couldn't do my job with the bag because of the crouching and bending down or even sweating.

I understand, a lot of people do not want to risk pouchitis that keep the bag. And a lot of people that keep the bag are doing well with the bag and they often might think , "why fix it when it aint broke".

If my bag worked out great, I probably would have kept it too instead of taking a chance on something new.

Everyone is different though

To say why fix it when it ain't broke while wearing a bag of faeces attached to you and your intestine protruding through your abdomen  for the rest of your life instead of trying for a jpouch that has a high satisfaction rate is a bit weird in my opinion .

Last edited by Former Member

The going back to work has been a major shock to me in how m inuch better I feel compared to having the ulcerative colitis with the toilet urgency, skin rashes ,deep vain thrombosis and brain fog .my whole body was diseased .now I'm more focused and feel a different person.I  hope so much this continues.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

The going back to work has been a major shock to me in how m inuch better I feel compared to having the ulcerative colitis with the toilet urgency, skin rashes ,deep vain thrombosis and brain fog .my whole body was diseased .now I'm more focused and feel a different person.I  hope so much this continues.

Keeping you in my prayers Chook!!! I hope everything works out for you too

Should a Jpoucher have the choice between going back to work or disability? As I'm in pain most days now due to gas I think and am unable or feel bad telling my coworkers I'm in pain and the the pain can be trying to eat healthy but it's the poor diet that is less painful.

@Former Member posted:

Should a Jpoucher have the choice between going back to work or disability? As I'm in pain most days now due to gas I think and am unable or feel bad telling my coworkers I'm in pain and the the pain can be trying to eat healthy but it's the poor diet that is less painful.

I think we should have that choice but life is not always fair.

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