After months of trying to deal with constant and debilitating anal pain, I am off the see the surgeon next week to discuss next treatment options. I was contemplating 6 mp and sulfasalazine and a short does of prednisone with my GI before throwing in the medical towel after being on Cipro for over a year, rectiv, licodaine, canasa, anucort and ambian.
My pelvic MRI showed no fistula, so I am baffled at what this severe pain could be other than possible fissures or severe cuffitis. My anal canal is pretty much shutting down at this point. It is virtually impossible to evacuate without incredible pain and the burning pain after lasts for hours. My sleep in interrupted constantly and I am not eating much these days,
and warm baths have been my friend, but how long can one continue this?
I am pretty much over this jpouch and I am looking for the best possible option to be free of chronic, debilitating pain that consumes me 24/7. For anyone in the same situation, I can report back as to what my surgeon is suggesting.
I am not even sure I will go for pouch advancement surgery if recommended as I so want to get on with my life and with my history, I just envision more complications after and more wasted time.
I feel I have lost a total of 6 years of my life starting with my LGD diagnosis prior to surgery and all the complications after surgery. That is a HELL of a long time to be miserable almost constantly. I no longer want to fill my day with taking medications, hanging over the toilet bowl in pain and trying every cream ointment etc imaginable for relief as well as being consumed with pain almost constantly and how to alleviate it. My life is passing me by, my family are growing, my husband deserves better, I deserve better and I need to grab hold of things before it is too late.
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