I had emergency Interventional Radiology surgery on October 23 to insert a catheter, they could only get in a 28 Fr with tapered end. My catheter had come out and I couldn't get it back in.....I tried for 3 hours with no luck. So I had to go back to Mayo. One thing I did find out was UW Madison wouldn't take me, the Mayo even called them so I wouldn't have to travel so far. So now I have to let it settle down and rest before my next move. The doctor said, the stricture was very tight and he had a lot of trouble inserting a catheter, he was afraid he would have to put a 20 Fr. in and I said no, bigger. I have pain and spasming. I had to take pain meds for the insert, it was painful. Mayo got me in right away, the minute I arrived. So I had to give them my Kock Pouch speech......Advocate at all times!
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