I had J pouch surgery back in 2010 three stage. Did very well except for pelvic floor dysfunction that I had therapy for. See Dr. Shen for pouch care, had my pouchoscopy last September everything was great. Then about 2 months ago starting to have problems emptying I have only gone to the bathroom maybe 2 times a day at night 3-4 becasue of taking lactulose that Dr. Shen prescribed to me back in 2010. But now I can't empty anything without straining to go and even taking lactulose I strain to empty liquids. I get a lot of air trapped in me after I eat or drink anything and have a burning in my left lower abdomen just like I had when I had UC. My diet is high in protein low in fiber and sugar that is waht Dr. Shen told me to follow. Does anyone else have problems with emptying and having a lot of air after eating or drinking. What do you do, need some advice. Back to Cleveland on January 15th for another pouchoscopy with him so he can take a look. Just worried!