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Okay... Weird suggestion.
But my surgeon made it and it works.
It's not 100 percent like anything but I tried it the other day and have been using it since.
Put a small dab on the toilet paper each time you wipe.
That is important.  Each time you wipe put a dab on the paper.
It's amazing how well it works.
Try it.  It may not work for everyone but it works for me and leaves a thin protective film.... Oil that actually feels better than the thick paste with zinc oxide in it.
I started a subject on it cause I didn't want it to get lost in a post.
If you have it bad now try it.
I tried alot of stuff and this works for me and I honestly think it will work for many more.
Last edited by Mysticobra
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I will try that also.
I had a six to eight hour episode Saturday morning and used the crisco the whole time.
It doesn't take the pain all away but when things cleared up.... Well... My rear end was not all sore and tore up.
I'm sure if it works for me it will work for another and if it helps one more person that makes me happy to share.
One thing.... If you have dogs.... And I found out the hard way.... Do not leave the container where they can reach it.  They love crisco!  Lol.
Mine was so bad I could not sleep and have missed work twice in the past two weeks!
I am hoping I found what was causing these extreme episodes.  I have never had it be so strong and continuous.  Usually it calms after a bm... It's still there but calmed and manageable.  But I started a multivitamin two weeks ago as suggested by my surgeon and then I had these intense episodes.   I would check and nothing would show on the TP.   It dawned on me yesterday and I stopped taking them to see if that was the problem.  I hope so.
Question... If anyone gets this far in my post.
Could multivitamins cause this and has anyone else experienced this by taking them.
I am taking a One A Day multivitamin for those over 50.
Thank you.
Last edited by Mysticobra

Dr Shen suggested I use cotton panties and a cotton pad at night. You can buy premie baby all cotton diapers or buy cotton towels and cut to size. That has helped me also. Hope it can help someone else. Shen toldmme a story about one of his patients who was posted in Afganistan and his outfit was all synthetic and was exacerbating his situation greatly when he used cotton underwear with a cottob pad it helped a lot as hell s butt could breath better. 

I started using questran again!
Why... Why... Did I wait so long.
I have not had burn for two weeks and everything is going back to normal at the skin.  Wow.  Unbelievable.
And another benefit.... I quit leaking!
My goodness.... Just out of the blue I tried what I had sitting in the closet for months.
It stopped all of it!
I am not saying it will work for all but it was so stupid of me.  I forgot and at one point was gonna give it away.
I use one two packets daily. 
I have had the BB and leaking problems from the start.  Almost two years ago. 
Both have stopped!
I have a full can of crisco.
That did help before.  But I do not need it any longer.

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