I recently had a pap smear with the results coming back as atypical glandular cells. From what I was told and have read, this is more unusual than atypical squamous cells and requires a lot of follow up. I have already had an endometrial and cervical biopsy as well as an ultrasound and they came back okay. My doctor mentioned that sometimes the cells come from the colon but that since I didn't have one she thought that was unlikely. I am wondering if anyone else with a j pouch has had these results? Should I follow up with a scope of my pouch? I usually do not have those since I do not have any problems. The literature on atypical glandular cells is sort of scary. My doctor wants me to come back in three months for another pap smear and then if that is okay another one 6 months after that but I just want to make sure I am doing everything I should.
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