I was unaware that strawberry seeds could cause a blockage. I'd never heard of that. Do you have a link to information about it? I'd love to read it.
I absolutely agree that a person can eat a food without any problems and then one day things can change. But I don't think that's necessarily a certain food's 'fault.' I think that sometimes adhesions crop up, or the pouch wriggles in a different direction, or something else occurs and then there's a blockage. I chose not to let the 'what-if's' control what I eat. There are certain foods that I don't eat because they travel through my system too fast but that's not the food's fault - it's my individual plumbing. And even then, if I want to eat that particular food I'll prepare for it by slathering on butt cream and eating bulking foods to help create a nice bed for the rapid-transit food.
The reason I say that, in my opinion, there are no bad foods is because I don't want new j-pouchers to start getting a fear-of-food thing going. It saddens me when someone comes on here and says that they are craving a salad and they haven't eaten one in over a year. Or that they want to eat popcorn at the movie but they don't. I was told that I could eat anything. I was also told that tomatoes and tomato-based products would cause big problems for me (as a j-poucher). That never happened. But it does happen for some. I think everyone always suggests to start out slowly and add new things one-at-a-time as you did. That's always good to point out.
The reason I'm a little skeptical about it being a blockage is because Brittany wasn't experiencing pain. Blockages (partial) have always caused rather severe pain for me.
I hope that I cleared up what I was trying to say.