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Hi guys,

Well I now know why pride is one of the 7 deadly sins.

I survived the move to the new place which was still under construction when we moved in, incompetent movers, open doors and windows for 7 days with paint smells, industrial glue and dust...cleaned daily and emptied what seemed like 50 boxes (oh, it was 50!)...and I wore a back belt with double support for my pouch and delicate abs... I was so proud. 

Monday I was hit with either a releasing occlusion or gastro...nausea and water running through my pouch like Niagara falls but I went back to work anyway. Was walking like a zombie.

Weds I had to go to 2 different campuses so I decided to pop into a Japanese restaurant for bullion and had been 48hrs on fluids and I was weak.

Then I hit the sidewalk...face first.

Put my arms out to break the fall at the last second and knocked my wrists up to my elbows...passed out.

A cop got me sitting up but I couldn't move ...I was k.o. 

Took 10 mins to get me seated.

Made it to school and class with some help but I was in so much pain that they sent me to ER...nothing broken but I can't use both arms.

Pulling, pushing, twisting, lifting,...any movement required to intubate is a nightmare. Can't fill the syringe, the sink or irrigate...not even flush.

Fingers are fine, shoulders too...nothing broken. Just everything sprained. Can't lift a pill to my mouth (I split my lip too)

They sent me homecare to irrigate and take care of my pouch. Hubby brings me ice packs and massages me with Nsaids cream.

Who knew that forearms were so useful? Wrists too!

Can't work, dress or pull up my pants...crap!


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Thanks Jan,

At least my typung finger works!

Nurse is sort of sceptical about how to empty pouch or the frequency...but she's coming anyway.

Ice packs are my is Nsaids cream... I am not sure if it is too soon to start using a TENS machine on the elbows...could it do more harm than good?

My chiro is making a housecall tomorrow to see what's possible to fix... 

I refuse to get depressed over this (yet) because there seems to be micro improvements...

And I slept last night.

My pouch is behaving thanks to very little input and tons of coffee, tea and grape juice... I cannot irrgate on my own so out has to be liquidy. 

Hubby is terrified...trying his best...filling syringes, flushing toilets, massaging with creams etc but he cannot I tubate me ...and we just moved...all equipment still in boxes...i cannot hook up!

So goes life!

Hoping that my arms heal quickly so that I can get back to work!



so sorry to read about your injuries.  simply terrible.  i can't imagine what it is like, esp given the recent move and things not all unpacked.  wish i could fly in and help.   you are always so amazingly strong and resilient and upbeat no matter what sort of s*** (that is an appropriate word for this site) is thrown your way.  such a great spirit to have in our universe, no matter how far away.  keep at it.

i recall after my shoulder replacement that intubating by myself was out of the question because the brace restricted any movement of that hand and arm.  nurses didn't know what they were doing and some were brutal, which i am pretty sure caused the hernia on the valve.  but to the point what i finally did was cut a cross in the top of a baby's nursing bottle nipple, pulled it over the catheter and taped it down.  to stop the output flow i used a binder clip, or a gripper type scissors that nurse gave me.  needed to tape the  nipple down-- don't recall if you are allergic to tape or not.  i used skin sensitive tape and had no problem.  had a stoma nurse come in every several days to take the catheter out and help me re-tape the contraction.  there is friction between the nipple and catheter that makes this system work.  think there was some absorbing pad under the nipple that soaked up the mucus.  anyway, a suggestion.

lots of cyber xoxoxo, janet

Hi Janet 

Thanks for the do I text you my address in Paris?? 😁

I am trying to keep my head long as there is no 'resting paint and I can sleep then I am fine...I only suffer during movement. 

I have a friend flying in to assist me in Belgium for my international week ( I look forward to this all year and don't want to miss it) so she will be my arms!

If my school approves it I will uber myself back and forth with a light schedule so that I don't miss too many classes. 

Teaching is what I live for! I don't need my arms to lecture!

My chiro just texted to say she's on her way... I have great hopes that she can put something back in place  (the elbow is definitely out) and get some range of movement back in my right arm. 

George (my pouch) is behaving amazingly if he knows not to block, thicken or give me grief.

My intake is very light too... I've lost 3kg i dont really need to do it as much...hubby fills the syringe and i rince directly into the sink so it saves pain and effort.

the nurse was Useless...I told her to go away...can't stand lazy nurses!  She wouldn't even massage in the cream but sort of slathered it onto the skin...when I told he that the doctor insisted on it being massaged in to be of any use (I might as well have laid the tube on my arm for what she did) she huffed, did 1 back and forth and stopped.

She isn't coming back.

Hubby does a better job.

So I will survive even this... I would just sort of like it to stop happening! 

Not sure if I am being overly optimistic about Monday but I can't sit on my sofa and stare at unopened boxes much longer without going nuts!



yup...but do I really need to keep getting tested yearly?

Could do without it for a few years.

Chiro did wonders, diagnosed a nice tendonitis in the radial/brachial tendon? (am a little out of it due to the meds...sorry if its the wrong name)

She made me up a concoction that is both antiinflammatory and relaxing.

Got both of my hands to open up I can intubate a bit better.

Life goes on and so do we



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