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Also, I tell low iron sufferers to remember that with rich iron sources, especially non-heme sources, but all, have something with vitamin C b/c it increases absorption of iron. And I took a tablespoon of black strap molasses each day, followed by a swig of OJ when I was low (25% of your daily iron in that!)
Since he is young, I would call his doctor and ask what is recommended for his age and the dosage. It certainly never hurts to give him a children's multi vitamin each day but he may need more iron. That's where you need the guidance from his doctor.
Had anybody here kept going to there year chrck ups and always had polyps but have lived long. Scares me.

I've been taking iron pills for a few months now and my iron level is still low. Foods fortified with lots of iron don't help either.
I take iron pills routinely. if I haven't taken them for some time, they will upset my belly ie stomach pain, and then I just take them with food. if you go to Feosol's website they and I suppose other places have excellent advice for enhancing iron absorption from taking with Vitamin C to taking on an empty stomach if you can, um yeah stomach it. also avoiding caffeine, dairy amongst other things including a PPI all of which interfere with iron absorption. but for the record it is very common for iron pills to cause gastrointestinal upset, there is a plethora of choices as mentioned here, from liquid form, to different types of pills. I don't spend the money on Feosol, but ive heard their newest version is supposedly fantastic in regards to absorption and no gastro distress. but since i take them so often i prefer to spend fewer bucks and buy the store versions, CVS or Walgreens brands and i can with application recover my Hgb. 11 is quite low for a male, but most people learn to live with whatever their stable number is at. but i bet if he could boost that he probably would feel more energized. infusions are the most efficient way to receive iron but the conundrum there is that once you get infusions it renders any oral supplementation virtually useless as your body expects the infusion or so my PCP told me.