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I posted here the other week as I was quite scared of getting an endoscopy. Well now that's over but I'm still dealing with the same issues...issues that start beginning of March.

My symptoms are as follows (with one being the dominant one at any one time)

  • nausea
  • burning (belly area)
  • pain (belly area), shortly after eating
  • tightness feeling
  • feeling of needing to burp (which I never did before)

The endoscopy showed a bit of inflammation but otherwise, things looked ok (waiting for biopsy results). My GI referred to it as functional dyspepsia and just said to eat small amounts and avoid spicy foods. We did try a protein pump inhibitor intially, which got rid of the nausea (but has since returned)and then the other symptoms were dominant. Having said that, he said there was no indication of extra acid (not sure how he could tell in the endoscopy). Now I'm very nauseous again (but have never vomited). We're going away soon and I don't want to feel lousy on this trip. I also got an ultrasound done, but I'm doubting it will show anything.

Anyone else have this? Has it gone away? Any meds to help?
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I have been getting heartburn for a while now. Went for an endoscopy and found I have a hiatal hernia (hernia between esophagus and stomach). Now I'm on Omeprazole (basically a heavy duty antacid) and I'm doing much better.

I'm no expert and you said you went for an ultrasound already, but did they check the gallbladder. That pain would be right below the ribcage on the right side. I had pain there back in February and my doctor rushed me to the ER thinking it had to do with my gallbladder (thought maybe it was gallstones). In my case it ended up as being a partial obstruction.

Wish I was able to help more. Good luck and feel better!
Hi. Thanks for the replies.

bratcat, am sorry you've been suffering from heartburn and a hernia. Glad to hear that the meds are helping you. My endoscopy didn't' show anything abnormal aside from a bit of inflammation. Yes, the ultrasound was to check for gallstones but results haven't come back yet. I thought that was somethign they know right away, but guess someone has to read them and send tehm back to my GP.

Liz, am still waiting the biopsy results from teh endoscopy, but my GI doesn't expect to see any infection.

Scott, I've been trying OTC meds...tagamet, tums, gaviscon, and have even tried licorise root from health store, but these are to try and help my current symptoms. If anything, the tagamet helps a bit (but I live in Canada so will have to pick up more when in the States)

This is so frustrating as I hate feeling nauseous all the time.
You know, gastritis can cause the symptoms you describe, so I am unclear why you are disappointed that was all he found during endoscopy. The degree of inflammation often has little to do with the symptoms, as people with severe inflammation may have little to no symptoms, and some with seemingly minor inflammation can have severe symptoms. It all depends on how your body responds to it. If the over the counter meds are inadequate, won't your doctor prescribe something more effective?

Of course, it is possible that something else may show up in the biopsies or ultrasound. Also, if you have gallbladder issues that are not gallstones, an ultrasound may not be good enough. You may need a CT scan or special contrast x-rays.

Jan Smiler
Thanks Jan. It's of course good that nothing major was found. What I'm dissappointed about is that it's been 5 weeks and there's no change in my symptoms and my dr has no solution for things to get better...just "it will hopefully get better".

It was confirmed today that the biopsy came back clear, but am still waiting the ultrasound results. My GP did say that if it comes back fine, he will send me for a CT scan, but it's not clear what he's looking for. I was also given the go ahead to take celebrex again WHEN NEEDED but with a proton pump inhibitor (since they are questioning if that was the initial cause since things have not improved since stopping). I wanted to try a proton pump inhibitor full time, but my GI didn't see evidence of extra acid (but I question about the burning...wouldn't that be acid related?)
If I were you, I would not resume the Celebrex at this point. It may be the reason that there was not much inflammation at the time of the endoscopy. If you have chronic cholecystitis (inflamed gallbladder), there may not be stones present (but they are in most cases). The presence of stones does not necessarily mean there is a problem either (I've had gallstones for more than a decade without any problem at all). But, they do need to get to the bottom of your symptoms, even if it is just IBS.

Here is a link about cholecystitis. Chronic forms can mimic other diseases and it is pretty common. Proton pump inhibitors would not help. See if you fit the picture:

Jan Smiler
Actually...just found out that my ultrasound results came back fine. So my GP is going to set up a CAT scan to rule out any other issues. Thanks for the link. The symptoms don't seem to match (no fever, sharp pain, etc). I'm not even sure if it's IBS as it's not diarrhea and i'm not really bloated.

It's such a balance joints are definitely worse since stopping the celebrex but then there's my messed up stomach. I haven't tried it yet but will bring it with on a trip coming up where we'll be doing lots of walking.
You do not need to have all the symptoms to have a problem gallbladder. The sharp pain and fever are mostly for acute cholecystitis, not chronic. Plus, since you were taking Celebrex, the pain and fever could have been masked during the acute phase. Your symptoms do seem to fit, in my mind. It can be a very elusive diagnosis, as many here have found out. Sometimes it takes a HIDA scan to pin it down.

Jan Smiler

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