Hello, I'm new to this site, but certainly not to having a J-pouch. I have to ask if anyone has experienced what I'm going through and how they handled it if so. I am 39 now, and developed UC while away at college for my first semester as a freshman. I lived with UC for 5 years becoming what my GI doc called "steroid dependent." I was on Prednisone and a couple of other drugs. He sent me to CC for the J-pouch. This was in 1996, so it's been a while. I admittedly haven't taken the best care of myself in the meantime. Over the last two plus years, I've developed some other physical ailments. My docs have diagnosed me with Fibromyalgia and what they are calling Auto Immune Arthritis. Most of my days are spent in pain and fatigue. Also, over the last three years, I've had isolated bouts of severe abdominal pain that has put me in the ER. They give me CT scans and pain meds. They also send me for a colonoscopy. Nothing is ever found to be wrong with me. I'm beginning to think that maybe I don't have the ailments I've been diagnosed with, but rather I'm having a problem absorbing the proper vitamins and nutrients into my system. Maybe since my colon is gone, and it's been 16 plus years since the J-pouch was built, that the area is not absorbing stuff into my system like it once did. I'm also thinking that the abdominal pain might be due to my small bowel, or adhesions from my surgeries. I'm sorry for going on so long, I'm just looking for someone who knows maybe what's going on with me. I'm tired of being in pain, and my docs don't seem to be willing to listen to me. Please help!
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