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running theme here on this site for many of us with ongoing pouchitis/s.i.b.o. is not only do we know antibiotics stop working for us but other promising things as well.i was excited about s.c.d. diet which was working like a charm for me for antibiotics..then inconsistency,then back to antibiotics..i appear not to be the only one..the question is why?does our bodies start to resist these other things like diet like it does antibiotics?do not understand that concept with things outside of the is talk about oregano oil helping contain pouchitis for some and someone just posted something called saki(potassium iodide working for her for 4 months now..

does anyone know with certainty if pouchitis issues seem to occur only with those that had uc as for other reasons for the pouch operation..i thought i read that was the case..if so is it all get down to the autoimmune aspect and somehow even with j pouch..that underlying issues comes back to haunt us. not everyone of course ...

i continually call our pouches moving targets but i sure would like to figure out why things work then stop working...
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Pouchitis is mostly associated with those who have IBD. It does occur without it, but it is far less common. If it does occur, it is due to bacterial overgrowth from the altered gut, or a true infection, not from an autoimmune response to the presence of normal flora.

Pouchitis is not one disease, but a spectrum of signs and symptoms with a variety of causes. This is why treatments and responses vary. Most cases of pouchitis are not the type you have, which is antibiotic dependent chronic pouchitis. It may seem like the most common type because it is talked about a great deal here. Of course, it would get more attention because it is so problematic.

As to why nothing seems to have a lasting effect for you, I would suspect that it is because of your unique presentation. Only you have your gut flora and only you have your distinct DNA that dictates how your body reacts to any changes. The gut is the most complex organ in the body according to many. Plus, bacteria are very resilient and will constantly mutate to resistant forms to survive their environment. The more they are exposed to a toxic substance (antibiotics) the more likely there will be flourishing resistant mutant survivors. This is the concept of antibiotic rotation; to keep the environment changing before the bacteria can adapt.

Jan Smiler
thanks most pouchitis with ibd i thought..i am actually dependent on antibiotics just for a few months through diet was i able to get off themmm.i understand bacteria gets resistant to antibiotics but it is complicated as you said..i guess the diet worked for some reason alone for awhile but then not..just my own unique digestive system..someone asked this of shen i believe and he said because things in our system keep changing..and i suppose thats simple explanation,its all quite complicated
thank the lord that bacteria does not have perfect memory and can be used again after period of time.....but i am sure others like myself can attest they do not work quite as well as time goes by..

however,presently its the only real game in town..fingers crossed something else comes along or as i heard new antibiotics are in the pipeline..anyone know if thats so?

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