So I had my pouch redo about 5 years ago now. I do sometimes experience a very small spot of leakage, and for that I wear a pad just in case. Now Dr Shen stated that with redos, the pouch sits closer to the anus so irritation is common. I have tried everything under the sun to try and help this irritation/burn and nothing seems to work.
I have tried;
calmoseptine-a sticky mess
Ilex- sticks to hairs on my butt and when using a bidet it becomes a mess
Bag Balm- no real help
Vaseline-no real help
Vicks- cools and feels good for a bit but only temporary
Lidocaine- numbs pain shortly but only temporary
A&D ointment- no help really
Nupercainal-- some relief but not much
I don't know if the pads are irritating the area or the leakage that occurs occasionally, but its horrible.
any other suggestions??