Hello Tracey,
This is a timely post for me to read because I just took the first step towards having my pouch bypassed with a loop ileo.
My pouch served me pretty well for 15 years. I did have a high no. of BMs, tendancy to dehydrate, and an occasional bout of pouchitis (never severe enough to warrant antibiotics). I had to steer clear of high fibre food and go teetotal, but I was able to eat out, work as an editor and have a reasonable quality of life providing I didn't push myself too hard physically.
Although it was sometimes hard to manage, I now wish I had appreciated my pouch more. In May last year (2014), my abdomen ballooned overnight to "three months pregnant", and I bizarrely found myself constipated - at least in the sense of "not being able to go". Various tests later, it was established that my pouch had "gone floppy". The muscles in the small bowel walls are no longer doing their job to move food through, and my pouch has stretched out.
I tried everything suggested by my surgeon, stoma nurse and a dietitian to no avail. I am not in pain, but feel a lot of discomfort. As the day progresses, it is as though a beach ball is blowing up inside me. I am now taking laxatives (can you imagine?), eating lots of fresh fruit and salad (weird), and contemplating life with an ileo and some fresh scars.
The shock for me has been that to convert to a loop ileo, the surgeon needs to open up my abdomen along part of my old scar in order to check for adhesions. I had thought the incision would only be for the ileo, and nearly passed out in the surgeon's office when he explained what a laparotomy was!