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Hi Guys, 

I have been reading up on various diets and the latest craze seems to be to avoid Lectin rich foods (potatoes, tomatoes, grains, peas, beans, nuts, diary,  and peppers to name a few )  and to up the foods containing polyphenols ( dark berries, tea, coffee, artichokes, asparagus (on both lists!!!), dark vegetables and potatoes, purple veggies and fruits, pomegranate, spinach, endives...and the list goes on)

A lot of this sounds like stuff that I have been doing avoiding peas, beans, nuts and dairy as wells as grains (although I fall off of the wagon rather often) is supposed to be a rather strong anti-inflammatory diet...not sure if anyone had tried this and if so what your results were? 

Increased energy? Less inflammation in joints?  

Is this yet another fad of is there something to this one?



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googled this and found studies dating back over ten years, which suggests it isn't another fad, at least not a current one.  concern is link with inflammation and improving gut bacteria.  current follow up studies were difficult to discern.  several lists of the top foods--dark choc makes it in top ten.   seeing gi doc next week and i'll ask.  anybody out there seeing a nutritionist now and possible ask them?  i too would be interested.

please, don't take my cheese away, however.  thanks, janet

Thanks Janet, 

That is what I am finding. It looks interesting but so do so many other diets except that this one seems to have some science behind it. 

Dito for the cheese...but I have switched mostly to unpasteurized whole milk cheeses (I am in France and this is perfectly normal) and goat cheese which does not affect me in any adverse way. 

I take exception to a few other foods on the all of my favorite nuts are on the bad list; peanuts, cashews, hazelnuts (goodbye Nutella!) and all my seeds (pumpkin and sunflower) whole grain breads are out too so no more P&B sandwiches. Figs are on the naughty list too (oh, goodness why??? I just made 20lbs of fig jam!) 

On the positive side, I can gorge myself on artichokes and asparagus,  all of my favorite berries and drown myself in green tea and hot cocoa...But nowhere have I seen a list of proteins that I can eat. Please ask, if you see a nutritionist, if we have to become hard-line vegans or can we actually eat food on this diet?

Hope that this can give some people so solutions to inflammation and pain.

Sharon are you doing?


Last edited by skn69

from my experience w pouchitis i know that refined sugar causes inflammation--i would bleed within six hours of consuming sugar--same w simple carbs and for some strange reason shell fish.  so if people are looking to cut out the worst foods i would suggest no more sugar.  still avoid it and have never looked back.

i'm finding contradictions on these lists.  hazelnuts, for one, were good to eat on one list, so carry on.

your link didn't open, although i looked at the home page and noodled around the site.  needed something simpler.  check out this site for a simple list:

as for how i am, well am overdue to write up my experience w kidney failure while in china, although not diagnosed until back in states.  hope you are well, janet

Goodness...kidney failure? Crap!   Hope that things are improving (if possible) and that a solution is close...Whatever that may be.

Take good care of yourself...please.

For me, I am slugging it out...some good days some bad...a bad slip&fall means that all of the months of good work that I did to get my mobility back and my health on track have been for naught...limping badly, in a lot of pain but refusing pain meds (what else is new). I hope for the best and prepare for the worst!



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