Thanks guys! What a great reception!

I know, I've been really lax about coming online lately. I'll try to log on a little more often.
Jill, my problem is I have to cut the white tape off my wafers (Convatec moldables) because I developed an allergy to it so they don't last as long as they used to. I've tried picture framing them with different products including those half moon shaped things from Coloplast (I can't remember the name either) along with various other products, but they all gave me a rash. These wafers were my last resort when everything else gave me an allergic reaction and I'd been using them for around 6 years when I developed the allergy to the tape. Even so, I still normally get around 3 to 4 days out of a wafer. However, we've recently had some very hot humid weather here so I've had a bit of an idea of what it's going to be like. I was having to change at least every other day.
My rule of thumb when travelling is to take twice as much as I think I'll need so I'll be taking enough supplies to be able to change at least every day and a few spare x 2. I use an antiperspirant deodorant under where my bag sits and also have some cloth backs that I made to sit between the bag and my skin to help with the perspiration problem. I'm not really worried about having to change every day as I've done a lot of travelling and had to change in some "interesting" places to say the least. I just wondered what sort of problems any of you encountered when spending prolonged periods of time in that sort of humidity and in and out of the water (water parks etc)?
Anyway, I promise not to be such a stranger in future. Thanks again guys.
