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I'm a male in 30s, 6'3" and struggling mightily to gain weight back to even a healthy weight.  Lost so much during surgeries and now several years later I've barely made any progress.  I know, most people are trying to lose, so you roll your eyes at this, but it's quite difficult and doctors are even worried about how low it is for my height.


1.)  can anyone explain why it is so hard to put weight on (for some of us) with a j-pouch?  Before the colon was removed, and even when I had the temp ileostomy, it was easy to take protein shakes, eat plenty, etc. and put pounds on, but with the j-pouch, it feels like nothing is "sticking".   I feel like I mus tnot be absorbing nutrients well or something.  Is that accurate?  Am I losing too much water perhaps?  Why is it so hard with j-pouch vs ileo for example.


2.)  On the diet side, I try eating a lot.  High calorie, but healthy diet (I think).  I make protein shakes every day.  Eat a lot of meat and potatoes.  Just literlaly no results.  In fact, I lose more if I don't at least do all that to stay the same.  Any suggestions for how to jumpstart weight gain (in a serious way)?  Food, supplements, specific products, processes?  Just eating a lot seems to not do the trick.


Thanks all.  It's nice to know there are other people in my boat.


Last edited by nola
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How much do you weigh? Do you feel like your pouch is working properly? How many calories are you taking in?


It sounds like you know all this, but I'll say it anyways: take in as many good calories as you can, avoid sugar (especially sugary drinks), and keep your bowels moving slowly with Imodium/Lomotil even if you feel like you don't need it.


I'm in a similar situation: 31yo, 6'2 and weigh between 150 and 155. For reference, I was in the low 180s during my "healthy" days. I have a loop ileostomy that is high up...meaning food goes through me quickly. I had a j-pouch for 1.5 years. During my j-pouch time, my weight got down to 135 due to a mechanical issue w/ my pouch. My 2nd takedown is in 5 weeks and I'm nervous as ever.


Wish I had THE answer for you and myself. I'm trying to take in 3,000+ calories a day and trying to blend 2-4 veggie/fruit/protein smoothies a week. I use a Vitamix blender; it's the only way I can get good fruits and veggies in like kale, raw spinach, carrots, apples, and whatever else we can't eat without transforming it into baby food. The thing could blend an iPhone...not really, but it is impressive. I think for our digestive systems to work to their full potentials, we need to be taking in good veggies. I started using the blender and all because of this YouTube vid -- The major downside is that it's really expensive. In the neighborhood of $450-800 depending on the model. I've been using it for a few months and I really like it. I've only gained a few pounds during those months, but am feeling lots better. Also, I'm eating protein bars, lots of meats, carbs, and fatty foods. I avoid dairy (except cheeses). Dairy is the worst.


I've heard that BlendTech and Ninja blenders are of similar quality. I think Ninja is more economical.


From what I've read, certain pain meds and growth hormones can also help slow down digestion. I've heard many people take these drugs daily without obvious side effects, but I'm a little afraid of them. Metamucil is another go to for many. I tried it and was not a fan.


Good luck with making gainz! If you figure out the secret, let me know what it is.

Last edited by KP

I'm 6'5" and weighed around 225lbs. before my cancer diagnosis and surgeries.  At the end of the entire ordeal, my weight had fallen to 170lbs. I had questioned if nutrients were being absorbed effectively as well.


It's been nearly 3 years, but I finally weigh around 210lbs. again. I wish I could offer a well-documented plan but I can't think of what I did differently compared to the things mentioned above. 


  • PlantFusion protein powder (was actually recommended on this website and I order it from Amazon)
  • Just recently began eating Quest protein bars daily (Kinda pricey, but I think of it as my daily coffee since I don't drink it - high protein and low in sugar - flavors taste great so you actually enjoy them)
  • Dinners high in protein with carbs (Chicken, fish, or steak with a sweet potato, brown rice, quinoa, etc.)
  • Lift weights 3-4 times a week which I think has added some pounds

Hi, Nola.  I have to ask, do you feel you're in general good health?  Do you possibly have anemia or other issue that your body might struggle with?  I ask this because we all know that colitis, or a leaky pouch or other inflammational issue, for example, can result in huge weight loss.   I trust you are in otherwise, very good health?  

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