I'm a male in 30s, 6'3" and struggling mightily to gain weight back to even a healthy weight. Lost so much during surgeries and now several years later I've barely made any progress. I know, most people are trying to lose, so you roll your eyes at this, but it's quite difficult and doctors are even worried about how low it is for my height.
1.) can anyone explain why it is so hard to put weight on (for some of us) with a j-pouch? Before the colon was removed, and even when I had the temp ileostomy, it was easy to take protein shakes, eat plenty, etc. and put pounds on, but with the j-pouch, it feels like nothing is "sticking". I feel like I mus tnot be absorbing nutrients well or something. Is that accurate? Am I losing too much water perhaps? Why is it so hard with j-pouch vs ileo for example.
2.) On the diet side, I try eating a lot. High calorie, but healthy diet (I think). I make protein shakes every day. Eat a lot of meat and potatoes. Just literlaly no results. In fact, I lose more if I don't at least do all that to stay the same. Any suggestions for how to jumpstart weight gain (in a serious way)? Food, supplements, specific products, processes? Just eating a lot seems to not do the trick.
Thanks all. It's nice to know there are other people in my boat.