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1997 - 17 year UC Poucher, 44 years old, Female

Cipro and Flagyl don't seem to be working any more for my chronic pouchitis (off and on for about 14 years). Pretty sickly for the last yearish. Can't tolerate probiotics.

My doctor is suggesting Humira. I want to hear what you think. Miracle? Only worked for a while? Wish I never tried it? Please advise!!! I appreciate hearing your thoughts. Smiler Thanks!
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We are on the same timeline,I'm late 40's,with a similar issue. After 16 years, Cipro stopped working. I was cleared and approved for Humira back in August. By coincidence, I took some old leftover Augmentin for another problem,and am doing very well on Augmentin. However I am now suffering skin rashes and itching from Augmentin. Humera scares me and I don't want to take it unless it's a last resort.I know it works for some people,but when multiple primary care physicians tell me they would not take it,you have to wonder.
I am curious have you tried Augmentin or leviquin ?
I was on Humira at one point, but for arthritis, not pouchitis. My pouch function did improve and I had less cuffitis. I hated the way it would sting, and switched to Simponi when it was approved. It worked well, for about 5 years, but then the effect dwindled. Just last week I switched again, now to Cimzia. I am already feeling better, and less gut issues (and it does not sting).

Jan Smiler
Last edited by Jan Dollar
Thank you for the responses (keep 'em coming!). Yes, I am very wary of Humira...and have been resisting for 6 months. The doctor & PA are really pushing it (and seem annoyed with me for my cautiousness). My dermatologist seems to think that it can't hurt to try it and just stop taking it if I have side effects that aren't manageable. He (apparently) uses in in his practice quite frequently.

I did try Xifaxan a few years ago, but it didn't work. It might be worth another try if I can convince my doctor (really pushing Humira). I go to Duke GI...I couldn't seem to get any data from them about how many pouchers that they/others successfully treat with Humira.

I tried Augmentin 13ish years ago. Horrible nausea, so I can't tolerate it.

In the next weeks, I might, also, consider retesting for food allergies with either an elimination diet or blood test. Also, I am going to go gluten free and see if it helps. I've tried before and get muddled results - can't seem to get a good "control" test.

Please respond with any other thoughts that you may have! Wink

My experience with Biologics were before pouch, so can't comment on if it will help pouchitis, but Remicade put me in remission of my UC for almost 4 great years, and when it stopped tried Humira which did not help UC. My dermatologist wanted me off Remicade because it weakened my immune system and I had onslaught of skin cancers. Mind you, family history and I'm very fair, had too much damage as youngster, but I would rather deal with skin cancers than UC, and would have stayed on Remicade if it worked. Later my derm said his discussion with my surgeon indicated that the Imuran was as much to blame for weakened immune as Remicade. I'm about to start on another biologic, Entyvio, as last resort to get my inflammation under control before going back to ileo. Again, I'll choose to deal with weakened immune system over UC or ileo any day! Have to take vitamins, avoid contact with sick people as much as possible, and get your rest. For skin cancers, I stay on top of it with full body checks every 3-4 months based on my history. Until you have that issue, just be aware and keep eyes open for skin changes. Good luck in your decision! Ljz
Chronic antibiotics weren't working for my pouchitis, and entocirt districts, but I could never wean off it. Doc recommended adding a combo of Immuran AND biologics. I opted for starting with just adding Immuran. It's now been working nearly 2 years. I like that I still have biologics in my back pocket if/when he current regimen stops working.

 Diagnosed with pouchitis in 2006 and have made my way through the usual tx of Flagyl, Cipro, Endocort, on Augmentin (love it until it starts to make me feel nauseous). Last year I started Remicaid and then after 9 months of feeling great had a reaction (severe abdominal pain during infusion and blood test showed antibodies.) Am now ready to try Humira however, my insurance is denying the Humira for the dx of pouchitis. They did this for the Remicaid but once my provider appealed it they approved. My fingers are crossed that the same will happen for the Humira. I'm curious if others have had this experience and/if their insurance paid with no problem.  My doctor keeps telling me (he is at Georgetown University Hospital) that I'm the only patient he has with pouchitis who is being treated with anti-tnf's. I'm considering second opinion at Cleveland Clinic but this is too far for me to go to on a regular basis. Are there any other drugs or lifestyle changes anyone has found to initiate and prolong remission?

fwiw, about ten years ago, the frequency of pouchitis increased to every 3 months for me vs about every 18 months, so my new doc (had just relocated to SF) amended my dx to crohns and wanted me to start Remicade. I punted because ten years ago I didn't have as much familiarity with biologics (nor did the world) as we do now. that year arguably was a bad call, I have since developed strictures - one mid pouch and another above the pouch which arguably might have not happened had I just started biologic therapy, but who knows. if you search the pouchitis forum there are a variety of lengthy medical papers on pouchitis, ive read them recently and they are instructive. it does seem that chronic pouchitis can also be treated with anti-TNF's with success. i would argue that biologic therapy has been much better than the year i tried with rotating antibiotic therapy. as to other changes who knows, some people swear by using probiotics but i never found them to do much for me. good luck.

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