Thank you for the responses (keep 'em coming!). Yes, I am very wary of Humira...and have been resisting for 6 months. The doctor & PA are really pushing it (and seem annoyed with me for my cautiousness). My dermatologist seems to think that it can't hurt to try it and just stop taking it if I have side effects that aren't manageable. He (apparently) uses in in his practice quite frequently.
I did try Xifaxan a few years ago, but it didn't work. It might be worth another try if I can convince my doctor (really pushing Humira). I go to Duke GI...I couldn't seem to get any data from them about how many pouchers that they/others successfully treat with Humira.
I tried Augmentin 13ish years ago. Horrible nausea, so I can't tolerate it.
In the next weeks, I might, also, consider retesting for food allergies with either an elimination diet or blood test. Also, I am going to go gluten free and see if it helps. I've tried before and get muddled results - can't seem to get a good "control" test.
Please respond with any other thoughts that you may have!