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What meds do I not need to take or beware of because of the JPouch?

I ask because I know someone selling some vitamins and such that make hair grow. And since I lost mine between surgeries 1 and 2, I'm desperate.

My Doctor says I can even take Alleve even tho my WOC nurse said not to because it was a waste of $$ since I don't have a colon to "hold" the pill for 12 hours for it to work the entire time.


Jen S
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I know this is easier said than done but try not to worry about your hair. Mine was in a terrible state after the surgeries were done. It was coming out big time when I washed my hair and got really thin. I went thru a lot of Draino at that time! It will grow back, I promise you. It took a good year though for my hair to return to normal. It's the trauma from the surgery and the anesthesia that's the culprit.
I have been taking NSAIDs continously for the last 5 or 6 yrs...up to 500mg at a time/2xs day for intenste inflamation...for now at least I am doing ok and my rumy says that it is GI says not to worry unless I feel that it is a for my hair...yup, after every major run of surgery I lost up to 50% of it but it has always grown back eventually...sometime thicker than only medical problem with pills is the coated ones or slow dispersion ones that seem to run right through my body and out my pouch.

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