I've had my J-pouch for five years now, but over the past four weeks, things have gone downhill and I'm not entirely sure what's causing it. It started when I went on vacation a few weeks ago, and while that was probably a little stressful, my diet and basic routine remained relatively normal.
My BMs have become very, very frequent, and VERY urgent. Sometimes, I'll feel as if I have to go again only minutes after leaving the bathroom. When I have to go, I HAVE to go, and need to rush to the bathroom as fast as possible. My BMs are very loose and watery. I'm watching what I eat and trying to bulk it up with things like bananas and potatoes.. lol. But so far, it hasn't helped a whole lot.
I normally wake up at least once a night to use the restroom, and a tiny bit of leaking every once in a while has been normal for me. But now, I'm going to the bathroom at least 3 to 4 times a night, and last night, I had an accident with incontinence for the first time since getting my J pouch

My lower stomach feels slightly tender, but other than that, there are no pains and my only discomfort now is from being raw, but that's manageable for the most part.
Any ideas of what may be behind this? Or any tips and tricks to try that may help?
Thanks everyone!