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I have just come off all of my antidepressant medications (I did it slowly. I am pregnant). I am having difficulty with impending panic attacks that occur, mainly at night, while I am trying to sleep. Most recently I took Benedryl at the prompting of my doctor and I am barely hanging on, the only thing that is keeping me from being consumed by the panicky feeling it is giving me, is the fact that I am distracting myself by going on the computer. Any advice from those who are no longer on meds for any reason? Anyone ever have this reaction to Benedryl? I am scared that the anxiety I am experiencing will never go away. How do people cope without their meds? Will it get better? Any comments/shared experiences/advice would be greatly appreciated. Sorry this issue isn't pouch related, but it is killing me none the less.

Feeling like I could climb the walls right now.
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First off congratulations on the pregnancy!
Next, although I never had constant anxiety attacks I did/do get panic attacks under certain circumstances and at specific times of day. The Paris metro when crowded had me shaking and incapable of breathing (made it really hard to get to work!)...I learned to keep a book stuck to my nose and read my way through it. At home at night, when I am alone, I get that pins & neddles in my tummy that takes over my body; I eat my way through that one (chocolate and ice cream help Big Grin)...then there is yoga breathing, self hypnosis (I send myself elsewhere in my head...I was taught by a doctor to do it)and finally, smells.
I have a very specific perfume that I put on my wrists. I then 'sniff' my wrist. The perfume stays with me all day and it 'calms me down'. It is a habit now, I have been wearing it everyday since my 1st anxiety attach 20yrs ago in the metro.
I use a scent that works for me (I have 2 different perfumes, Nina from Nina Ricci and Eau de Soir form Sisley but any scent that you really 'love' will do fine, it needs to have a relaxing effect on your nervous system to be able to work).
That is all that I've got but you can look it up on the net and see if there are any other tricks. I used to use cigarettes but that one is off of the list now!
Xanax is definitely *not* safe during pregnancy. Buspar might be - it's okay in animal studies. The trick here is that you have to stay functional to take care of yourself properly during pregnancy. Meds aren't all the same, and if you need them just make sure to get good guidance in how to proceed as safely as possible. There are lots of non-medication methods as well, and you can't know if they'll work for you unless you try them: meditation, biofeedback, hypnosis, acupuncture, yoga, the list goes on. Good luck!
Thanks everyone! Sharon, I like the perfume idea. I am going to experiment with yoga, meditating I do want to stay away from meds. I am surprisingly feeling a little bit better, I guess every day that I get used to being off the meds will be a little better. The worst is still at night, and I will NEVER take a benedryl again. I googled it and I guess it is common for some people to get anxiety and even hyperactive from them. Weird, because it makes most people drowsy! Oh well I guess it is proof that everyone's body is different. Thanks again for your comments, everyone!
I have had anxiety for years. I have found a few things that have helped and I would like to share them with you Smiler 1) when I get them, I take a deep breath inhaling to 5, then hold it for 5, then exhale for 5 (seconds). It helps enormously. I also use vanilla candles or lavender, they have a very calming effect. Hope these help you. Congrats on the baby!!!

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