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Hey all, I've just had my pouch advancement and, much to my surprise, woke up without a stoma -- long story. In any case, I had a rectal tube which quickly began failing because my output was soooo runny. So they took it out, figuring that if I had to cope with incontinence at least I shouldn't have to do it with stitches pulling and causing pain as well.

So there I was with a HORRIBLY painful hiney, all red and blistered, AND an open wound from where the stitches were, AND poo leaking over it all 24/7. The nurses were great, cleaning me up and using barrier cream faithfully, but the pain was awful.

Then they ordered me a prescription cream: It is a 4% Colestyramine in a 20% silicone cream suspension. Let me tell you what: within 24 hours ALL of the butt burn, blistering, red & sore areas, AND the open sore were completely healed up. Amazing!

Thought this might be of help to some of you all suffering with really bad butt burn.

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Yes, this sounds like it has to be made in a compounding pharmacy. This means you can't just have it called into your local drug store.

If this is a big problem (AKA: compounding pharmacy is out of insurance network or compounded drugs not covered), cholestramine is available as an oral medication. It is primarily for lowering serum cholesterol, but a side effect is constipation because it binds with bile acids. It is a rather "icky" powder, but is also available as pills: Cholestid (colestipol). It can help with the healing and some here have had good results with it.

Jan Smiler
I've said this before, and I'll say it again: there is ONLY ONE barrier cream that is really a barrier. Orabase Protective Paste by Convatec -

ORABASE Paste adheres to the skin around ileostomies, fistulas and colostomies and used in conjunction with Stomahesive wafers, protects the peristomal skin against excoriation, and allows excoriated skin to heal.

To protect and soothe any sore and painful areas in the mouth or on the gums, including ulcers, sore spots from dentures, and toothbrush injury.

To protect the skin around ileostomies, colostomies, fistulas and ileal conduits.

ORABASE Paste is non-irritating and harmless when swallowed. There are no contraindications.

I swear to you, I have no interest in this company, I became familiar with this paste 35 years ago when I got my bag. After the reversal, and following but burn from hell, I remembered this paste. It works to protect your skin from those acids coming out of you... I promise you it will work.
hichik - does the Orabase make your butt cheeks or anus stick together like Ilex? I hate that and find it just makes things worse (even with the petroleum jelly applied on top).

BB is a major hindrance of quality of life. I had my take down just over a year ago, and have some degree of pain - from mild to absolutely excruciating - all the time. I seriously wonder how the heck I'm supposed to live the rest of my life like this and often think about a permanent illeostomy.
It frustrates me that this paste is not used as a gold standard for this problem. Anyone (and I mean anyone who has made the (small) effort of purchasing this cream has been eternally grateful to me for introducing them.. It is MUCH more effective than any zinc based cream, and it is sticky, but like gelatine sticks, because its main ingredient is gelatine. It also has a lot of petroleum in it, so it also clears up diaper rash. If you do go for this cream, and I'm willing to send you a sample, please tell everyone (your doctors too, I have and they now recommend it to other pouchers) about it, it can literally save your life. I've posted about this product endlessly and it always surprised me that nobody actually bothers to get it, or if they do, why are they keeping it a secret??? Anyhow, message me your address, I'll send you a tube!

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