I've been fighting chronic pouchitis for 17 years, and last fall was diagnosed with Crohn's. I'm in the bathroom 12-14 times a day, and even though I'm seeing a nutritionist and eating 6 small meals a day, I have lost 20# in the last year. I'm too thin now, she's concerned continued weight loss will affect my organs. Tried Humira for 7 months recently and a scope showed my Crohn's only got worse. Had my second infusion of Entyvio yesterday and am thinking now about what's next if this does not work. I've been seeing a good GI here in Denver, but wonder if I should go to somewhere like Mayo or Cleveland Clinic for another opinion. My GI has started to say things like "we need find something for you to avoid an ileostomy", which would crush me:-(. The 6 weeks of illeostomy between J Pouch surgery and takedown 17 years ago were the worst 2 weeks of my life!
My questions are, do I wait to go somewhere else for an opinion until it's a last resort, or should I go sooner to head this off before things get so bad it's a lost cause. Does it matter where I go, are CC and Mayo about the same?
Any advice is much appreciated. This journey has been such an ordeal.