Hey Everyone. This might be a little more directed to the JPouchers with 6+ months post takedown. I've been Anemic since my I've been finished up with my surgeries and I was wondering if any of you have gone through the same thing. I'm almost 8 weeks post takedown and my last blood test was a couple of weeks ago. I was wondering for those that have went through it how long it took to get you red blood count back to normal. I was hovering between 7.5-8.5 every time they tested me. Did you also let it get better on its own or did you see somebody to help because I have an appointment with a Hematologist coming up to see if they can help get me out of the Anemia funk. My surgeon said this is normal after this surgery and it will eventually work its way back to normal but did not give me a timeline. Just looking for some advice and experiences you might of had. Thank you in advance.
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