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My story is a long and twisted one, that seems to never end. Long story short, I had my jpouch revised in Cleveland in August. Was doing good for about a month than out of nowhwere I started to get constant "weeping" or "welling" of moisture right where the anus meets the exterior. It doesnt drip or run, it just pools at the anus. I had a pouch for 11 years before modification surgery and never had this. Im trying to find out if my surgeon stapled or sewed as I have heard sewing can cause this. He said it looks like inflammation that could be U.C. in the rectal area, but this seems far fetched because I never had this problem until surgery. Any advice would help. Im at wits end. I just cant stay dry down there and I was so happy with the surgery until this happened. Thanks, Joe
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What Type of surgery did you have? If you had revisional surgery it is possible your pouch is hand sewn and sometimes leakage can be an issue. I have read this goes away with time. If you are not leaking are you just feeling like you need to empty your pouch? If stool is pooling I can understand why you would have some inflammation but if your pouch was advanced and hand sewn I am confused as to how you can still have inflammation.

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