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Hello everyone,

A few months back I was waiting to hear if a Jpouch was a possibility for me and to my good fortune I was able to go through with my J pouch creation surgery on May 16. I am 19 and was extremely healthy with my ileostomy with before surgery. I was wondering if you all could confirm my main problem which has to do with my bottom.

I was initially passing small amounts of bloody mucus, but over two weeks it has increased significantly, as has the urge and the pain. The place where my rectum used to be will contract for like 20 seconds which really hurts and my butt is always sore to sit on and in general tender, but doc said nothing was wrong with my construction. I am going at least 10-15 times a day or more to just sit and push. Is this a normal phase and if so how long does it last and what are some remedies you all used? Will this resolve with takedown? My doctors were saying diversion colitis could be a big part of it?




Original Post

Before my takedown there all sorts of test to make sure that the reversal would (hopefully) be a success. One of the tests was done by my surgeon. A rectal to make sure that there were no adhesions inside the rectum. She actually opened something ( and I'm sorry I just don't remember what it was but it hurt when she did this) that needed to be open to eliminate future problems. Takedown does take awhile until your body adjusts to the new plumbing and even though I do go a lot I can always hold it until I find a bathroom and I never ... NEVER have any pain. I'm so grateful to be cancer free and not to be be overwhelmed with my UC  THAT I LIVED WITH SINCE THE AGE OF 29. I'm now almost 60. There is an adjustment period where your anus burns etc. etc. I stay on Lomotil around the clock and believe it or not MARSHMALLOWS thickens the stool so it is easier to retain and it diminishes the frequency. I had one complication in late January... Small bowel obstruction but I'm fine now and I would never want to go back to an ileostomy  ever again. You're so young! Make sure your surgeon is the best out there for you!!! Ask questions and discuss all of your concerns with her or him!!!! Good Luck and keep us posted!

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