recent second step J-pouch surgery Aug 19th in which they formed the j-pouch and removed the rectum and connected the pouch. I still have a ileostomy . 2 weeks later started with severe anal pain and spasms all through the day and awakens me a night and passing some mucous. Nothing helps this and I’m miserable. Has anyone else experienced this? I’m just about to just ask the doctor to get rid of the j-pouch and keep my ileostomy, i just can't stand this!
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Have you called your surgeon’s office? You might need an antispasmodic until it calms down.
Yes i contacted the office and they said this should subside after a few weeks and that this was normal. This does not feel normal feels like there is something terribly wrong. They never offered a script for an antispasmodic . Several years ago i was given bentyl for my UC.
Cash, try looking up "proctalgia fugal" and "levator ani syndrome". See if the symptoms match what you are experiencing. If it does, you can put a name to your symptoms for discussion with your doctor. It's horribly painful and frightening when the spasms strike. I experienced it briefly after takedown, I think it lasted a few weeks. I didn't take anything for it. It simply stopped. I hope the same for you.
This is an interesting study showing 75% of jpouch patients suffer from this 😳. I think some surgeons call it functional but it’s actually mechanical- related to surgery. I think it’s something we should be warned about as a lot suffer from it 🤷🏼♀️