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Are you using a skin barrier ointment ? A lot of folks like Calmoseptine,and I used to use it,but did not like the calomine "burn".I prefer Lantiseptic,it is lanolin based.Sitting in a very warm bath for 20 minutes or so,and then applying ointment is also helpful.I've also found that moistening the bathroom tissue first is less abrasive to the skin.
First take a bath or shower the area. Then very, very gently pat dry.

Then use the diaper rash cream found in the baby isle. The thick white paste kind. Yes, it's pasty. Apply it right on the area. Yep, right on the butt hole. Use liberally.

Calmoseptine or barrier cream can be found at medical supply stores and do not smell like baby product. You want to find the thickest, white pasty stuff out there. And don't wear underwear you like, because this stuff is hard to wash out of clothes. It ain't glamorous but it will make your butt heal up. And a happy butt is glamorous after all. Ha!

When I have a wound or skin break down, I use antibiotic ointment before I apply the paste. I also use that liberally. It is soothing to any skin rash or breakdown.

If this problem is chronic, you may need to drink some citrucel or other stool thickener. You may have such watery stool that it is leaking out, and that causes horrible burn.

Also, avoid spicy foods completely for a while.
I use the original thick white Desitin which is primarily zinc oxide.....I believe. Even put a little up inside what is left of our rectum. Use after each B.M. Keep the area protected. When I have those butt burning episodes I eat oatmeal. It seems to thicken the effluent and is easy/smooth to "pass". Everything is trial and error. Eventually, we find what works for our body in particular. Sitz baths....with as hot water as you can tolerate.....was comforting to me. Best wishes!
Hello abillusmc! I am one month out and relate to the 'constant bowel movement" and hemorrhoids/anal skin irriation!!" My question for you is, have your found the number of bowel movements have now gone down? (Looking for hope).
Good luck with the anus. I'm hoping people will provide really good suggestions. I have been using a barrier cream, hemorhoid cream and metamucil and I feel like I live in the bathtub. Here's hoping we heal quickly!
The barrier cream just provides a physical barrier to protect the skin. It doesn't treat the irritation once it happens, so it should go on immediately after every BM. Most folks seem to not need it after a while - I used it for a year or so.

Zinc oxide is cheap, doesn't smell, and worked fine for me. I liked Ferguson Formula a bit better, and I hated Calmoseptine, but many folks here absolutely swear by it. I find the smell of Desitin nauseating.

I'd strongly advise against the laxative. A fiber supplement like Metamucil or Citrucel might be helpful - I find it so, though not everyone does. It will bulk up the stool though it won't make it hard.
BTW.....I consider oatmeal a comfort food for any digestive irritation. But, I make the real stuff....not instant. In a large microwave safe bowl, place 1/2 cup oats and 1 cup cold water. (Large bowl because it expands when cooking!) Stir. Do not cover. Cook in microwave for 3 minutes. Stir. Cook 30 seconds more. Voila! It's ready to eat. No sugar! Slice 1/2 banana into the oatmeal. It is sweet enough! Actually, I add salt! Enjoy!
I hate Calmoseptine! Way too menthol for something I stick on my butt.

My faves are clear ointments: A&D, bag balm, one from Coloplast, and Lansinoh (the stuff women put on sore nipples when nursing; the lanolin really helps create a great barrier).

I've tried plenty of creams in my day, and I don't like anything white and thick (gets everywhere).

That being said, it's trial and error, because what one person loves, another will abhor.
I think witch hazel is an irritant, think I've read that somewhere.
Don't use regular toilet paper, use baby wipes. Pat instead of wiping. Air dry or use a hair dryer on the cool setting. Find a barrier cream you like. Amazon has lots of coloplast creams, I like the aloe vesta.
I am three months out and just installed my coco bidet this evening. It is heavenly. Wish I would have bought it sooner!
It gets better. Two months ago I was going insane with anal itching and burning, now it's much less.
I've been dealing with hemorrhoids and a lot of anal pain from the start. When it gets bad, I am in the bath 3x a day, even with being gone at work 11 hours. I joined a gym near work with a hot tub and use my lunch for a quick dip. Between this and being vigilant about calmoseptine, I am managing. I also have a bidet.

My whole "routine" seems insane to me at times, as I've always led a pretty low maintenance life. But I've found that just realizing this is how it's going to be, at least for a while, and affording myself the time to deal with it helps. It doesn't make the pain go away, but it definitely limits the stress, which would make everything much, much worse.

Oh, my surgeon also gave me a shot treatment for the hemmys. At first it improved things, then it got worse for a while, but now is getting better.
It takes continual care at first to manage the butt burn. I am 3 months out, and struggled through first 5-6 weeks, and still occasionally have to deal with it due to what I eat/ drink and nit keeping up my routine. Does your surgeon's office (nurse) work with you or make suggestions? I will tell you what has helped me.
I watch my intake, still avoid red sauces, spice and still eating minimal fruits and veggies. Will add those in gradually. I eat lots of mashed potatoes, plain pasta with oil or butter, rice, fish, meat, bread. Breakfast is easy- can eat eggs, cereal, cream if wheat, etc. Decaf coffee. I take 2 Imodium AD 30 minutes before each meal and at bedtime to slow intestinal movement. I take 1 Colestipol 1 GM with each meal and bedtime- this reduces acid, very helpful! Immediately after meals I mix heaping spoonful of Metamucil into 1/2 glass juice. It does not dissolve but I get it down- don't like texture but taste isn't bad. I use Wal-Mucil because it does not have aspartame or other sugars. This bulks up output and should reduce # of output. I will even take one at 9:00 PM to help me have good sized BM before bed so I can sleep better. My nurse also added prescription Hyoscyamine .0125- small tablets placed under tongue 4 times day. I have doubled my dose on bad days- this med reduces spasms and helps me to not feel like I have to go all the time. Has reduced my leakage and frequency! These will all help maintain you by decreasing # of output. My dr. wants less than 10 BMs per day- I'm not there but getting closer. Your 25 is what's burning your butt. I use Vaseline to clean anus after every BM, pat it dry, apply Calmoseptine to protect against acid in next BM. When you're really raw it hurts like crazy but won't hurt once you start healing. Keep using it til your completely healed. I use it occasionally now with flares. I also use Nystatin sometimes- med for fungal infection due to moisture down there. I use it if have itching. Finally, I tuck either oval cosmetic cotton pad or Tri-folded high quality TP right up there on anus to catch/absorb leakage. This will help keep it off your skin. I do go to bathroom whenever I feel that acid coming out- I wear pad but only have leakage once in past month! Sorry to be so wordy but there is a lot to do to manage this, but truly I am so much better in past month with these meds and keeping it clean and dry. Costco sells huge jar Vaseline for $3 and I have used 6 since March 20.
Good luck! Hope this helps and that your Dr./ nurse team can work with you and get you scripts for meds to help you through this!
There is one other product that helps (works with hubby's Hemoroids and around my K pouch stoma when suffering from diaper rash) Aloe vera gel. You can find it almost everywhere very cheaply and it comes in different 'mixes'. I like the one that contains a mild local anesthtic. Cools things down quickly, numbs the pain until the stinging is gone and softens the area. Its according to my homeopathic doc a natural anti inflamatory.
ps. For my stoma my surgeon gave me a 1%hydrocourt cream(not allowed desitine around the stoma) helped with the rashing...not sure if you guys are allowed to use it or not. I alternated between that, aloe and witch hazel.
I am just 2 1/2 weeks out of reconnection surgery. I started using a barrier cream immediately and everything was going well. I was actually I was pleased that things were easier than I expected. Then I committed a big sin and ate something with some spices. I thought that is what happened but maybe it wold have happened anyway since it seems to be a normal part of the process. However my output changed to a much more burning liquid for a short period. Unfortunately it was long enough to get an irritation started and I have tried everything to try and manage it. This was three days ago and I have had more sitz baths than hours of sleep since. I tried using the Witch Hazel pads - no relief; hydrocortisone cream - no relief; polysporin cream - no relief. This morning I went to the pharmacy where the pharmacist suggested I try Zylocaine (lidocaine)2% cream to numb the area to at least provide some level of comfort. I just finished a sitz bath, dried using the cool setting on my hair blower and applied the cream. So far; not so good. I had meant to also buy some diaper rash cream (I'll try Penaten as it always worked well for my kids)but I was so restless and antsy with discomfort while I was there, I just wanted to get out of the store.

I did well after my original colectomy but mentally I could not adjust to the ostomy so I opted for the J-pouch. I hope I'm not sorry. One member said that it was the best decision she ever made but it took 6 months for her to admit it. I can handle it all except this anal irritation. I don't know how those of you who have full time jobs are able to manage. Kudos to you. I am retired but the last 3 days I've done nothing but have sitz baths and pace the floor. I'll be insane if I don't find something that works to heal this. I'm going back to the pharmacy, as soon as I have some lunch, to get the Penaten. If that doesn't work, I don't know what I'll do.

I'm glad that I'm not alone but I want to find the magic fix that we all can benefit from. Did I mention that I am not well stocked in the patience department?
I hate bothering with creams which are so thick they are a challenge to wash off my hands. So, I try to tough out the periods of butt burn I experience. Lately, I think due to a medication I was taking, the butt burn was intolerable. I gave in and used finger gloves and at times full gloves and liberally applied Calmoseptine....exterior liberally and interior a bit. Lo and behold.....relief! A couple of days later after being religious about keeping the area clean, dry and lathered with Calmoseptine, I no longer am suffering! I feel as though I never had the problem. Best wishes in finding something which works for you.
OMG!! It's terrible and getting worse. I have an excellent care technique, I believe, consisting of sitz baths several times/day with baking soda or Epsom salts(tried oatmeal once but it didn't offer more than the others and made a mess in the tub). In between sitz baths I use a squirt water bottle and moist baby wipes to clean the area (dabbing - no rubbing) followed by an application of Zinc Oxide cream. Even the Lidocaine jelly is not offering any kind of relief. I have used a hemorrhoid [preparation for the inside using the Lidocaine jelly as a lubricant hoping to get some numbing but that was not to be.

I don't know what else to do but I know that I can't take too much more of this pain. My bowel movements are soft and formed during the day and the frequency is not too bad but then during the late afternoon, the gas starts followed by almost continuous episodes of loose stools. That's the stuff that causing the burning. I think I have pin pointed grated parmesan cheese for being behind this. Never expected that from cheese but it appears evident in the end result. know what I'm sayin?.

I am sure that I will get things under control eventually - if I retain my sanity long enough. Tonight is the 3rd night without sleep. Can't keep that up much longer. I napped about 1 1/2 hours today but that's all.

Thanks everyone for letting me sound off.
LJZ - I was reading your information above. Instead of Metamucil, I use natural Psyllium Husk (1 tsp with meals and at bedtime). It's basically what the Metamucil is made from but without sugars and other additives. It is not water soluble so I mix it with a tsp of jam or peanut butter. I buy it in the health food section of the local grocery store and it's cheap. Works every bit as well as the Metamucil.
Thanks Kathy for suggestion. Will check it out at store. Actually, I am using Walmart generic Metamucil because it does not have Aspartane or other stuff in it. It doesn't dissolve well but for the benefit I get, I just chug it 4x day.
I hope you're doing better! I know the liquid stool is more caustic/acidity. I think the Colestipol I take really reduces acid and burn. I also could not handle burn from wipes and find wiping with Vaseline much more soothing. Can you eat different in afternoon to bulk up output- like just saltines, applesauce and such, just til you get healed? I know it is so hard to get healed but once you do, keep it coated. It will change and get better! At 3 months out, I am sooo happy I did surgery and expect in few months to be eating more and going less. I am lucky to be retired so I can stay home and manage recovery. Good luck and thanks for info on psyllium. Laurie
Glory hallelujah!! I hope I am not speaking too soon but I think I finally found the right combination. After 3 sleepless nights due to extreme itch and burning butt, today around noon it started to abate. I fell asleep on the sofa and awoke 4 hours later with very little discomfort. My pouch is most active in the morning and evening (not so much during the afternoon) so it will be interesting to see what happens when the action starts again. I shall continue with the frequent sitz baths for a while yet to be sure. I hope I am not back here complaining again tomorrow. Smiler

The formula that appears to have worked best for me is a combination of:
    * frequent hot sitz baths with Epsom salts (best place to buy the salts is at a gardening center. You can get a 20 pound bag for fairly cheap)
    *regular cleaning with water from a squirt bottle or bidet and dabbing (not rubbing) with baby wipes
    *insertion of a preparation intended for hemorrhoids itch and burning, and
    a generous dose of Penaten diaper rash paste around the anal area. *Repeating process with every movement.

Aside Note: I was talking to my surgeon this morning. He is well renowned and respected in these parts as a colorectal surgeon and he asked me if I was aware of this web sight and gave his recommendation. This is the first time ever that I heard a Doctor recommend the internet for any kind of medical advice. So, kudos to all of the members for sharing their experiences and making it the go-to place for J-pouchers and would-be J-pouchers.
Spoke too soon. It's back with a vengeance! I got a whole 2 1/2 days of semi-comfort. I think I am now officially insane.

I read a post on another community forum (HealingWell) that said the ingredient Methylisothiazolinone used in many cleansing wipes, has been the cause of an epidemic of baby's diaper rash. She member who wrote the post said that she was advised by her doctor to stop using the wipes she was using and she said that her rash and burn disappeared. The wipes I was using (Cottonelle and Huggies) both have this ingredient. I have stopped using them (only a few hours ago) and hopefully it will help.
Looks like it will be another sleepless night. ~Alas~.
I always felt any brand wipes burned my butt burn, though my nurse suggested them. I use lots Vaseline on tissue or cosmetic pad to clean area every time. Every time! Use generously! It's so soothing! I keep it in every bathroom and take tube with me when I go out. Costco has it cheap behind pharmacy counter. So sorry your comfort was short lived! Good luck!
Its now 4 months since 3rd stage. I am taking calmseptine, Metamucil and Lopermide I have amended diet to better digestive foods I take a probiotic Surgeon did a scope, mri and blood work and yet no explanation. In morning I have some good movements. I have most of the time solid movements and some which are larger. In the evening I have many small movements and its still about 25 BM a day , always worried that age would prevent success but have good health. It is frustrating not to see better results. I use pretreoum jelly ,zinc oxide and dystatin. Take 3 times a day cholestyramine. Does this improve Run out of options. I can take the sting but not the BM
Hi .
I had my first surgery on Oct 2010 and the second total colectomy on May 12,2014( for Jpouch), the reversal last June 24, 2014.
It is fairly new to me. I do not know how to manage eating .Doctor said eat little or nibble. I had 14 bathroom trips day time and evening. At night I do not have much sleep. The problem I have these past two days is the anal irritations and the burning pain and there is blood now when I sit in the bathroom.
The doctor gave me Zinc oxide but it just helps a little bit and recently she gave me Calmoseptine it helps a little bit. Now I tried aquaphor and it is better but still it is burning pain! I trie to do also those Kiegel exercises, to hold my urge to use the bathroom I do not know if anyone does it or if it helps.
I lost again 4 lbs. in 5 days , I do not know what to eat and how to eat healthy with this pouch I HAVE. tomorrow they will remove the drain cause there was a leak before in the connection and they are trying to drain the inside.
I had reactions with ice cream, cake, tuna sandwich, milk even if it is lactaid. I had BEAN SOUP JUST THE SOUP it made me go to the BATHROOM EVERY HOUR. bananas I do not know I am, scared to eat a lot cause I might get constipated. You said that saltine crackers and apple sauce is good in the afternoon to let the irritation heal. Can I do that?
I want to gain a little weight and be strong again , please help me!! I am confused.....

How long did your irritation get healed and how long does it take till you figure out everything? Did you loose weight too? Are you happy with the outcome? Do you still have diarrhea/ I would love to talk to you please..
I am taking Lomotil twice a day that is all the doctor had given me.
Thank you for your time spent reading.
So sorry you are still struggling so much! I will make some suggestions though I'm hoping those who have their input/output totally under control will chime in. My takedown was mid March 2014, and I have had my ups and down. Right now I'm struggling with lots of nighttime output, which make the butt hurt. Now that I'm up, things are good and butt is fine. I know my problem is eating the delicious fresh fruits of summer. I'm paying the price but so love fresh tomatoes, watermelon, cherries and berries. Need to go back to more bland diet! Not sure why you were told to just nibble. Small meals good- lots starches, carbs and protein- chicken and fish seem easiest to digest. I think carbs are giving me too much gas but I do eat those saltines when I feel leakage. I limit dairy cause I'm not sure how it effects me.
I think that if you're not eating enough, your output will have more bile, and that means more acid, more but burn. I also take 2 Loperamide 4 times a day- 30 minutes before meals and before bed. I also take a prescription drug Colestipol to reduce acid- seems to work unless I'm eating too much fruit. I take hyoscyamine sublingually, to reduce spasms. I think this helps reduce trips to bathroom. I also swear by Metamucil after each meal to bulk up stool. If I am able to take all these meds as directed, it really helps reduce output frequency. That said, I don't always eat what I'm supposed to, and miss doses, and on those days I pay. Then I use lots more Vaseline- cheaper than Aquafor- to get back on track. FYI- I still have 15-18 BMs every day, but they are controlled and I'm still trying to improve things but am very happy I had surgery. Keep trying to modify diet- bland, bland and chew really good. Talk with your Dr. about other meds to help you in this journey. Good luck and feel free to email me if have further questions. Again, I'm only 4 months into journey and still have tweaking to do, and know that time is also needed for body to adjust. Hope this helps!
Thank you Liz for your email. I have learned a lot from your sharing. I just came from my GI doctor and he is giving me Canasa a suppository to relax my rectum cause he said that was inflamed before my surgery and it will always be there even if they removed part of my rectum!I do not understand but it is a trial and error.
You mean you can eat strawberries? Wow, that was a NO to my diet. I love strawberries too.I love my salad greens but that was not allowed for now since it's fiber.
Good luck to you7. I am just new here but I will get there everyone has to start from day 1....
I will keep in touch with you. Take care and God bless you..
When my BB was horrible my dr gave me Lidocaine cream to put on my butt area and WOW what a difference. I also use Boudreaux's butt paste has 40% zinc oxide in it. I also use sensitive wipes with aloe and vitamin E. Worked for me, I also agree with using Vaseline it is much cheaper than butt paste and I like it better. I just switched to it last week. I also recommend taking sitz baths as much as possible. I take one 3x a day.This sure made a difference. It does get better, I was you 3 weeks ago. I know it is difficult.

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