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Hi All,
I had my second take down 2 weeks ago and am still experiencing pain. It first was mostly at the old stoma site and was radiating to my lower back. Regardless, I began stepping down from the vicodin and switching over to ibuprofen. Ever since going off the pain meds, my frequency has gone way up (which, as I understand it, the narcotics do slow you down). But I am also now experiencing awful rectal pain. It almost feels as if everything is going to just fall right out. I am fine until I have my first output of the day, and then after the pain begins. I am up to about 16 ibuprofen a day. Is that healthy? Should I call and ask them to refill my pain meds, or should I not need them at this point? Has anyone else had a similar experience regarding pain? I don't remember this being an issue my first time around, but it was 10 years and two C-sections ago. . .

Thanks for your input.


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It can be very dangerous to take that much Ibuprofen, especially with IBD. You are only two weeks out, and that is so early. You should absolutely talk to your doctor about refilling your pain meds.

It's sad that we have to worry about the stigma that some people/doctors place on people who need pain medication, but that's not what's going on here.

Call your doctor and get a refill.

16 is way too many. Usually 6 per day is the max. Furthermore, ibuprofen is often contraindicated for IBD, not to mention, excessive use can lead to kidney damage. It's okay to ask for something stronger if you're having that much pain, especially since you are only 2 weeks out. I was still in the hospital and on a morphine drip after 5 days. Call your doctor; you should be able to have the prescription refilled over the phone.
Thanks so much for all your responses! It has been so long since my first surgeries that I don't think I am cutting myself enough slack. My first takedown was 10 years ago, and I don't remember it being this hard (although I am certain it probably was!). I called my surgeon and the nurse I spoke to was so helpful. She echoed what you all have said and gave me some great advice. I am to start immodium as well as go back on the pain meds. Once my output slows and all the inflammation settles down I will begin to step down from the pain meds once again.

I am so relieved that this is the "norm." I think pressure to return to work plays a large roll in recovery and, although my employer has been very understanding, I still have the guilt factor. I know I am not the only one who is experiencing this, but with the rough economy, it is definitely an added and unwanted component.

Thanks again, I am so glad to have such a forum for my ramblings!



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