Hi Everyone!
Just a quick question. Since I have gotten my k pouch, I have learned the foods that agree best with my particular system in order to keep my out put very thin. I am most comfortable when the out put is thin and liquidy. I find that I can empty the pouch faster and more completely, which allows for more overall comfort and the ability to go longer in between emptying. I have found the by drinking a copious amount of fruit juice I can thin out the effects of my meals & snacks keeping the output flowing. When I go without juice for a meal, I often have to double up on the juice with the next snack in order to get things flowing again. If the output is too thick, I have to strain when emptying and it mostly just gets stuck in the catheter causing repeat trip to the bathroom in order to completely empty. I will even smuggle 3 or 4 kids juice boxes in to restaurants etc in order to thin my food out. My mother laughs when we go to the grocery store and I buy 10 bottles of fruit juice for 1 week. I drink about 64 oz a day, give or take, mostly give..... But the point of all of this is that I have recently started to try to lose some of the extra weight I have been carrying for the past 8 years or so. Most diet plans say not to drink your calories because 8 oz (1 cup) of juice packs about 160 cals. So you can do the math if I am drinking it heavily on a daily basis. My question is does anyone know if there is a safe alternative......could I take stool softners or something instead. Once I am down to my goal weight, I could add back in a little juice, as it is harder to lose weight than it is to maintain.....Oh and I cannot drink "diet" juice only that which is 100%juice gives me the laxative effect I need. Would "real" laxatives work.....or have too many unpleasant side effects like gas or cramping.... I have never tried one since I got my k pouch. Thanks in advance for any help or insight!