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Hi Everyone!

Just a quick question. Since I have gotten my k pouch, I have learned the foods that agree best with my particular system in order to keep my out put very thin. I am most comfortable when the out put is thin and liquidy. I find that I can empty the pouch faster and more completely, which allows for more overall comfort and the ability to go longer in between emptying. I have found the by drinking a copious amount of fruit juice I can thin out the effects of my meals & snacks keeping the output flowing. When I go without juice for a meal, I often have to double up on the juice with the next snack in order to get things flowing again. If the output is too thick, I have to strain when emptying and it mostly just gets stuck in the catheter causing repeat trip to the bathroom in order to completely empty. I will even smuggle 3 or 4 kids  juice boxes in to restaurants etc in order to thin my food out. My mother laughs when we go to the grocery store and I buy 10 bottles of fruit juice for 1 week. I drink about 64 oz a day, give or take, mostly give..... But the point of all of this is that I have recently started to try to lose some of the extra weight I have been carrying for the past 8 years or so. Most diet plans say not to drink your calories because 8 oz (1 cup) of juice packs about 160 cals. So you can do the math if I am drinking it heavily on a daily basis. My question is does anyone know if there is a safe alternative......could I take stool softners or something instead. Once I am down to my goal weight, I could add back in a little juice, as it is harder to lose weight than it is to maintain.....Oh and I cannot drink "diet" juice only that which is 100%juice gives me the laxative effect I need. Would "real" laxatives work.....or have too many unpleasant side effects like gas or cramping.... I have never tried one since I got my k pouch. Thanks in advance for any help or insight! 

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You can ask your doctor about lactulose, which is a non-digestible sugar used as a laxative. Safe for regular use And works on the same principal as the fructose in fruit juices, except you do not gain the carb calories from it. You need a prescription though. Miralax is another safe option, and does not require an Rx.



Fluids for keeping k pouch output thin enough for easy emptying is only part of the solution.  I have found that certain foods like mashed potatoes and pasta (to name a couple) will thicken output, which is great for those with j pouches.  Fruit juices, and especially those labeled as “cocktails”, are loaded with sugar and will result in weight gain.  Many other foods, especially the processed foods and restaurant food, are also loaded with sugar.  Read the nutrition labels when you shop.  I drink unsweetened (also artificially sweetened) iced tea and plain water to stay hydrated and make emptying my pouch easier. I have never had to use laxatives or stool softeners and would caution you on their use. Also, by reducing my consumption of foods and drinks containing sugar and high calorie snacks, I lost 13 pounds in the last 6 months.

Jan, does the Miralax have any side effects that you know of? I will read up on the lactulose as well.  Thank you!


Bill, I agree about the food making it thick! I don't use any of the "cocktails" because they are not 100% and only 100% will thin it for me. That is great about your weight loss. I hope I have good results too. I am trying to weed out the processed foods and "shop the perimeter" at the grocery store (meaning to stick to fresh produce, meats and dairy located on the outer edges and ignore the isles of processed stuff in between!) It is a slow process though making a full transition.... I am also increasing my cardio (walking, stationary bike, elliptical machine) and adding in some weight lifting. 


Thank you both!!!




I use unsweetened green tea, gallons of coffee (freshly perked and not instant) because it thins things out beautifully (no milk). As a matter of fact, I tried tea for breakfast while on holidays and after 5 days I couldn't take it any pouch output was thick and sluggish. 

Coffee and a small quantity of prune juice is like draino! Grape juice does it too...You need juices that give you more power to the punch...less is more.  3 oz of either will do the trick for me. Same with clementine juice (stronger than orange).

In case of a really thick output (and I use this sparingly) I bought a bottle of colon cleanser...not to be used lightly or without much preparation and thought.

There are also special teas that boast their anti-toxin effect...Which really means that they run most people's colons...since we don't have one they just zip through us like drainO...

Those are my tricks and as Bill said, avoid the starches like bread, cake, pasta, rice, potatoes, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes etc...They thicken things up and turn them into wallpaper paste.



@Rosie128 Hi Rosie, your post is exactly what I'm going through! I'm almost 6 months post takedown and I have the exact opposite problem of most jpouchers. I have a jpouch, but my output is too thick and I need it thinner. I went from orange juice to apple juice and I'm not drinking as much as you were, but I feel like it's not thinning my output as much as it did a few weeks ago. Occasionally, I will take a Colace. Have you tried anything since that worked better for you? I guess I will try grape juice and then eventually prune juice. Thank you!

Jeff, apple juice is notorious for being use when people have diarrhea...especially kids...they give it to them in hospital when the get stomach bugs so I wouldn't use it for thinning out the output.

I used grape, prune, clementine or coffee or tea...good hydration is a must but the juice just moves things along.


@skn69 thank you for your reply. I have been trying the prune juice and the grape juice, but it is only helping a little. I started making oral hydration solution from the document I was given from the hospital and drinking that occassionally. I think I need to just hydrate more. I live in CO, so even people with colons have hydration issues. How many oz of fluid do you drink in a day?

I don't count the quantity but my morning routine is 1lrg glass of water, 1 of juice and 1 litre of strong coffee (keeps things moving in the morning)...if I am working I drink between 2-6 coffees/day plus at least as many glasses of water...(I grab a glass before the coffee each time)...drink one as soon as I get home and before dinner, lemonade with dinner and at least 2 glasses of fluids after dinner (herb tea or coffee and a glass of water)...

That gives me my the summer I add smoothies (homemade) and tons of fluids over ice...I splash a bit of juice into a glass and add water then just keep topping it up with more water...

I eat a lot of soft fruits and veggies too that help a lot.

Soups are my go-to comfort food with added grated cheese on top...

So, I guess that my diet is pretty liquid...

You need to find what works with and for you...but more is better when it comes to our fluid intake.



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