Do any of you have any strategies or advice when you drink socially? Maybe I didn't drink enough water or Gatorade during the day?
Do any of you have any strategies or advice when you drink socially? Maybe I didn't drink enough water or Gatorade during the day?
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I'd slow it down on the alcohol and take in plenty of non-alcoholic fluids when you have even one drink.
My output does not seem to be affected whether or not i drink booze of any sort or how much.
Way to get back in the mainstream! Cheers

quote:I'v allways been one to push the rules
Don't push too hard or your Pouch is going to push back.
For drinking, I have been drinking with the pouch more than I'd like to admit but I have been sticking to some rules that have worked great. Not drinking more than 1 beer because beer makes stool liquid, no soft drinks like coke because that makes stool more liquid, no hard shots straight up but sweet spirits with cranberry or oj is the key to drinking socially without issues, keep hydrated but not too hydrated :P, and start drinking 2 hours after eating or after a good bowel movement whichever comes first and then eat something good before bed. This has worked well for me but not sure if its for everybody. Listen to your body and see what works!
My take down was nearly 4 weeks ago. I've not really wanted a beer so far, but I've drank a few IPA's without any issues.
I work in the beverage alcohol industry, so drinking alcohol is part of my professional life.
Since my surgery journey started, I've noticed a few things that, like most J-Pouch stuff, seems to be specific to my experience. Your mileage may vary...
1) I don't want to drink nearly as much as I used to. Prior to surgery, I was a daily social drinker, rarely getting intoxicated, but usually had a couple of drinks per night, or wine with dinner. This doesn't happen much anymore, not because of any adverse reaction, but because most days I simply don't want it. Part of me wishes this were not the case, but I'm listening to my body on this count.
That said, if I feel like having a drink, I have a drink.
2) On a business related trip about 2.5 months post takedown, I drank quite a lot over the course of a couple of days. Because I was concerned about hydration, I had two glasses of water for every alcoholic drink I consumed and, while there was some serious hangover symptoms, the pouch functioned "normally" during that time, and I've taken to doing the two waters for every drink thing whenever I have a cocktail these days. It seems to help.
3) People telling you to stick to certain spirits over other spirits have no idea what they are talking about. Provided the spirit isn't sweetened or flavored with something post distillation, ethanol is ethanol is ethanol. And, if you're worried about it, gluten can not survive distillation, so all distilled spirits (again, unless flavored post distillation with gluten containing ingredients) are gluten free. Depending on the distillery, there is a slim possibility of cross contamination if wheat is fermented on site. Most distilleries won't go to the trouble of getting certified gluten free, but Maker's Mark is, and it is made with wheat.
4) I was a huge craft beer fan, and for whatever reason, I have lost my taste for it. I hope it comes back.
5) White wine, rose wine and champagne have been fine for me when I consume them, but red wine has wrought havoc, but that could also have been due to the meal that I consumed with the wine. Who knows, really.
6) The carbonation in beer gives me gas, but sparkling wine does not. Again, who knows why?
Similarly I have problems with red wine, but not many other liquors. I have never enjoyed the taste of beers. I prefer white wines, and spirits. My favorite alcoholic beverage is Evan Williams Egg Nog which is only sold in November and December. It has bourbon, brandy and rum in it and is 15% alcohol/30 proof. Made with real milk and fresh eggs. For shots of spirits I like Fireball. However I do not drink much, just on special occasions and holidays.
Beer makes me feel blergh (but draught beer used to clear me out; now I just feel totally bloated).
And I *can* drink liquor, but I'm not a fan of many, and mixed drinks have too much other stuff in them for my taste.
Its not worth it because of our delicate system. Delicate things need to be treated as such, delicately.