I hope all are having good health.
Due to chronic pouchitis, Irritibale Pouch (whatever they can call it) and a fissure from hell (which will NOT heal for 3 years running); I am out of options. Living on Cipro/Flagyl is no longer viable. My sanity is starting to really suffer!
My last resort seems to be:
A- Reversal and permanent ileostomy (REALLY NOT DESIRED)
B- Finding some food elimination diets which may work. No doctor I have ever encountered (except one who favored FODMAP, which was un-tenable) has ever given any dietary advice. They all believed that diet did not matter (I had UC from 1979 until colon removal in 2005).
Has anyone tried either of these two new-ish diets in my subject line?
Many thanks for any input as I am in dire need of a solution.