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I am a little over 4 weeks post op. I do really well in the had toast with almond butter, coffee and turkey as a snack. Was out at the lake all morning and had a significant drive. Was good from 8-12. I feel so proud and then my afternoons I go to the bathroom a ton it feels like there is some urgency associated with it, I try and hold it and I can but it’s like this tingling in my bum that says go nowwww. I’m wondering if it’s because I am not out and about in the afternoons and am just at home?! How do I get my afternoons to mimic the awesome mornings?

-usually do lunch around noon and maybe a snack between dinner and I keep my meals on the smaller side, following low residue diet as of now.

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You sounds like you're doing amazing for 4 weeks post op. Everything takes a while to settle down so don't worry that what you're experiencing isn't normal. I found and still do that when I'm not busy I seem to have more bowel movements. That said, its good you're listening to you body. Your pouch will stretch and calm down over time (months or a year or so)

I can’t figure out how to respond individually but I greatly appreciate the replies in helping me.

megan thanks for assuring I’m on track for 4 weeks. Everything seems so grey nothing is black and white. I have talked to a few people that are back to work after 2-3 weeks and I def don’t feel I could go back at this point. Also feeling a little discouraged at my limited diet right now but I am trying to be patient.

kmiller thanks for the reply!!! What I am wondering when people say it will improve and it takes time as in months to a it just clicks and has adjusted? How will you know when your body has plateaued in a sense to being what it’s going to be?

You are doing great.  I know a lot of people that are not back to work for 2 or 3 months, or longer.  It takes a while.  For me, when I am out and about, which is not much, my urges are much less dramatic- I guess my brain is focused on other things and I don’t “give in” as quickly to sit on a public toilet, the the urges seems to fade away when I don’t act on them. Also, from a physiological standpoint, for me, my bowel seems to settle down more when I am walking around.  I also go more as the day goes on likely due to increased food intake.

@Poucher21 I'm sure everyone hears different things but my surgeon told me that at 2 years I will have a good idea how my pouch will be. I'm at 15 months post takedown and for me the 1 year mark showed some significant improvement, it sort of clicked. Still not perfect! I'm doing pelvic floor therapy now and I love it because I am learning exercises to help me but also just learning a lot about my body and how and why it works the way it does.

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