Hello there,
I am 4 weeks past the ileostomy takedown. For the first two weeks I had the very distinct displeasure of having a post-op Ileus that forced me on NPO and TPN. That finally cleared up and Cleveland Clinic here in Florida sent me on my merry way home. The first week at home everything seemed to go very well. I ate, I went to the bathroom and so the cycle went on.
Since about 3 days however I feel very bloated and constipated. Got cramps and lots of air in my insides that wants to come out. When I go to the bathroom, it's like a valve slam's shut after the first little bit of feces came out. I can feel there is a lot more in there but pressing won't get it out (and I don't want to press too hard this early in the game). Sometimes, when I contort myself on the toilet some more will come out and that' a great relief. Spoke to surgeon, he seems to think this is normal in the early stages of the takedown.
Could I possibly benefit from some Midol for the cramps and maybe a laxative ?
Is this common so close to takedown ?
Appreciate your help,
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