Oh dear. The past week, I've had more bloating and gas than usual, I've been straining more during BMs, stools have been looser (had an overnight leakage like I haven't had in at least over eight months), and the past two or three days I've had a BM or two per day with just a bit of blood on stools. Anal area has also been mildly irritated and itchy and I've been using the remaining Cavilon stock to help with that (although...against all good judgment...I pigged out on some jalapeno Cheetos the other day. I knew I'd pay for it, but man, the difference in knowing and going through it...)
Obviously, the blood is what freaks me out; I'm almost two years post-takedown (yay!) and should have my first pouch checkup later this year. I've had a few episodes of pouchitis that were quickly cleared with Flagyl, but these aren't the same as my normal pouchitis symptoms. So after digging around these forums and what little Google has to offer, I'm holding the idea of cuffitis being the most likely culprit; any interpretations or advice you guys can give?