I have had a j-pouch for 17 years, with several small bowel obstructions along the way, one surgically repaired. Otherwise, I've been doing relatively well. No pouchitis. Unfortunately, as of the last 6 or 8 months, I have been experiencing especially unrelenting watery diarrhea, sometimes accompanied by severe stomach aches, cramping and lots of gas. I tried everything with my diet - including not eating at all and just drinking water. Nope. Didn't help.
A few weeks ago, I saw a new doctor, a naturopath. She recommended a Genova Labs 3 days stool analysis, which I did. What a hassle and what lot of info! Apparently, I don't absorb fats and it appears I have a moderate case of SIBO. My new doc wants to put me on a course of Xifaxan to clear out the bacteria in my small intestine, then rebuild a healthy "microbiome" afterwards.
I have no idea whether to trust her recommended approach? I have never been diagnosed with SIBO or used a naturopath but I have also never found a G/I doc, an infectious disease doc or an internist that knew anything about j-pouches. I am nervous because I usually have extreme reactions to medication. Flagyl makes me throw up immediately.
If you have tried Xifaxan, did it work for you? Side effects? Tolerance? Might you have recommendations for docs in the Seattle area who understand how to treat SIBO and/or jpouch patients? It seems by definition of our shortened anatomy, with the small intestine doing the work of the large intestine, we naturally get and always have SIBO, doesn't it? Or not?
Thanks in advance!