It's been awhile since I had a blockage but I seem to remember having an uncomfortable gut and watery stool for a few days after. Is this accurate or am I just trying to ignore the fact that it may not be cleared? After about 15 hours of no stool and increasing gas pain I passed stool that was pretty normal. Since then it's been watery. I usually take a fair bit of psyllium which I haven't for a day and am not eating much. Might that account for the stool? Just looking for opinions and others' experiences. Thanks.
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Things don’t return to normal for me right away, and it can be tricky to tell if it’s really gone. I treat them the same way, though, going very easy on my gut.
Thanks Scott. I got through the day without the backing up gas pain so I think it's cleared. I've eaten only soft foods. Would it be reasonable to try psyllium tomorrow or is that too soon in your opinion? I dislike the watery stool as it really aggravates my fistula.
You could always ease back into the psyllium. How about a half dose and see how it sits? I tend to start taking psyllium again as soon as I start eating. I don’t think it’s any more obstructing than soft foods.
I would not eat for a while until things fully clear up and then I would stay with soft foods for a while with extra liquids.
I do these tips to prevent blockages: Drink water before, during and after ever meal. Walking/moving around after I eat. And getting moderate amounts of fiber.
Hope this helps love, keep us updated