I had a problem with a doctor when I was 18. I did nothing and told no one about it and I still believe there are medical professionals that cross the line and get away with things like it. When you hear about cases it usually involves many women complaining.

That is why you see nurses in examination rooms these days, not the case back when I was a young lady.
I gave birth at 22 to our first child, back we still did so in a delivery room. Right after I was wheeled in 4-5 extra people came in with my doctor. He said, "I hope you don't mind I have a few medical students with me today". I wanted to said that I did mind and that he had more than a "few" medical students with him but I said nothing. He didn't realize I was embarrassed, he and they were use to it but I wasn't. I think it motivated me as I pushed her out in one contraction!
Fast forward, I needed an ultra sound after a mammogram. FYI, I've never seen a male mammogram technologist. A man came in and I apologized to him, told him it wasn't personal and requested a female technologist. I have never had a male masseuse either because I would feel uncomfortable.
Call me a prude, call me rude and call me a grandma. I don't see anything wrong with requesting a female over a male in these cases. The male nurse didn't explain the medical reason the EKG required the Andrina's bra removal and in any case she told him she felt uncomfortable and he should have gotten a female nurse in the first place. That is why they have us change into medical gowns in private rooms, pull curtains around us and put us in private rooms during examinations, for privacy and to make us feel comfortable.
I had no problems with any of my other male medical male medical professionals, particularly after my j-pouch surgeries - especially the medevac guys that started my IV line, when I was dehydrated, in the middle of the night after every RN on the floor that night couldn't!
I'm older now and you've got to admit it we've have had a disease in the worst area of the body. I still am not comfortable discussing it all with just anyone, female or male. Put us all in a room and I'll show you my scars
Each to their own and medical professionals should have a little sensitivity training too.