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Long story, my daughter had a pouch revision, May 2012 (surgeon moved the inlet to her pouch to the other side) and that went well (after all the complications), ulcer that was at the old inlet is still healing and getting smaller. Then in Aug 2012 she had a blockage and again in Sept, Nov and then in Dec again but this time she had to go to the ER and was admitted, scoped and a tube, some type of decompression tube was left in after the scope for a day or 2. Then on her winter break from college she had emergency surgery, strictureplasty, for a full blockage that is believed to have been at her old ostomy site. So then the drs were going back and forth with maybe this is crohns and then 5 weeks post op from the structureplasty in Jan she started with bloating and stomach pain. Then she had another scope, and the dr believed he went past the Jan surgery site and all looked good. Then she had an upper GI series (to rule out crohns) with barium and where she had the surgery in Jan it looked a little odd, she said like a "W" in the middle of her intestines. So the way she described it, because she watched with the radiologist, the barium moved through the intestines, then went into one side of the W or it looked to me on the film like an hour glass like shape, but the barium went in and then went up into the area, not across and through. It kinda went in, and got stuck up in the "bump" like shape and then went down and eventually across and continued through her intestines. So the radiologist, who is a crohns expert, said she doesn't have crohns but maybe a motility issue after this last surgery.

Then she had an endoscopy in April to see if the dr could find the area and if it was narrowed then balloon dilate it and she went up 100cm and way past the surgical area (that was at 50cm)and other than some really sharp turns she said all looks good and no crohns. Biopsies confirmed this.

My daughter still has pain, almost daily, it has gotten better, it use to be 24/7. GI thinks she may have hypersensitivity and hopefully it will go away, but she can't function on the anticholergenics to "relax" the bowel.

She started biofeedback for the pain 2 weeks ago and is concerned that she may need surgery to correct the way she healed from the surgery in Jan. Jan was a side by side strictureplasty and another surgeon said maybe a resection would fix it.

We really don't know what this is, she has bloating sometimes after eating and also sometimes she hurts after eating and even when she wakes up in the morning, so it's not just after eating. She has no change in her bms. She is doing yoga for the past month+ and says that helps somewhat. She also says that if she lays down and massages that area where she had the strictureplasty that sometimes it hurts bad to touch the area and then she also sees a tiny bulge and then when she pushes on it, massaging it, it seems to almost release and maybe she moves the stool along and she feels a tiny bit of relief.

She is at college now and her surgeon is at home so she will not see him till mid June. We just don't know what this could be....could she have IBS now? Could it be a mechanical problem and require more surgery? Could biofeedback or physical therapy/massage help? Even though she has had narrowing where she had the inlet to the pouch and the old temp ostomy site, the GI says she does not have crohns and feels that the narrowing in the past was just at past surgical sites. Dr also says maybe it could be the sharp turns in her intestines?? Her pouch looks good, but she has this pain and it is really getting to her.

Does anyone have or have had pain like this or issues like these or any ideas, PLEASE?

Thank you. Sorry for the long post.
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Hi Becky's Mom,
First off, I am so sorry, I was kind of hoping that the issues were starting to absolve and that she would be fine by now...drats...
Second, this sounds like it may be mechanical and/or adhesions on the outside of the intestines that could be causing this pain/blockage in one zone...kind of hanging on to the small bowel and not allowing things to move along...
I had a colostomy at age 2 that was closed a year later and to this day there is one spot on the left side of my abdomen that is a chronic site for blockages small bowel seems to make an elbow turn there and things just get stuck...I have to, as you say for your daughter, massage it regularly to get relief...I was hospitalised twice for it and manage it fine now that I understand it and know how to deal with occasionally sends knife pains through me but they absolve very quickly once things move...
During a laporoscopic surgery last year my surgeon released a bunch of adhesions and that helped a lot...
No other ideas but a lot of hope that things get resolved and that she can go back to having a normal life...
She has been through many surgeries and therefore I bet she has adhesions. They can't see adhesions in scans of any kind unless they are strangling an intestine or something like that. I have adhesions and adhesion pain. That's how my surgeon explained the pain to me after an examination of my abdomen, pressing down on it etc. plus he noted seeing them in the surgical notes during my first surgery. He saw the ones that were already there from 2 previous abdominal surgeries. I've had 5 surgeries now.

I also am diagnosed with IPS, so instead of IBS I have IPS. I had IBS too with my UC. I take the same antispasmodic I took for IBS. I also still take Norco pain medication for my abdominal pain.

This is a good paper on IPS.
Hi Sharon and thank you! I too, along with my daughter, am afraid that it could be a mechanical issue, it just doesn't look right on the xray where she had the last surgery. When she had the surgery in Jan, the surgeon actually went in lapro because we all thought he was just going to have to cut was some adhesions that kept giving her blockages. But he saw very little adhesions and after tracing her bowel up, most likely at the old stoma site, he saw the narrowing and decided to open her up and do a strictureplasty so that she would be "good to go" without addition blockages. But the way it looks, like an hour glass almost, but not that narrow in the middle just doesn't seem right. A surgeon where she goes to college wanted to open her up and "look around" but she is trying yoga, PT and biofeedback in hopes that her bowel will relax and the problem will go away, if that even sounds possible. So we don't know if it is adhesions, so much as that area that looks weird.

Thank you TEMarie for the article! How can I paste a picture on this site? I would like to show the area of the previous surgery that is in question. That surgical area is where the radiologist thinks there is a motility issue because of the way the surgery was done, strictureplasty versus resection. Her pouch is not the problem with the pain or motility. We don't even know if it is a motility issue. When she massages that surgical area she feels the lump and seems to push whatever along and some of the pain is relieved.

Since she had the neurotoxic injury she has a very difficult time with pain meds especially and the meds they used for IBS have been tried, but she can not function on them.

Does anyone know how I can post the picture here?

Thank you for your help!
She could have small intestine bacterial overgrowth because of these possible mechanical issues. Signs of that are bloating, abdominal pain, belching, weight loss, pain after eating, feeling of fullness when not eating much.

Basically because stuff can't move through as it should, it is hanging out too long in the small intesting causing bacterial overgrowth.

She can go through full breath test or easiest thing is speak to her GI about it and do a trial run with an antibiotic. Usually xifaxin seems to be the drug of choice for this.

Also I do think the yoga, biofeedback, etc.. can help break up adhesions and maybe get things moving through better.
thanks liz. She is on augmentin, and has been for a while. Probiotics and pentasa also.

If it is a mechanical issue since the surgery and the odd way it healed, will it resolve overtime? She is having so much pain, sharp pains now, she even thought of going to the ER,(so I know she is in a lot of pain) but she doesn't have a blockge. Everything is still moving through, she doesn't have a blockage. She does have a bulgding in this area and then it flattens out a tiny bit after massaging.
Thank you.

I wish I knew how to post the xray here for all to see what I'm talking about.
Last edited by beckysmom
If you have the X-ray on your hard drive you can click below the commenting box where it says "Add Attachment?" then click browse and go to the location on your computer where the X-ray is and click on it. If the file isn't to large it should attach and we can see it.

It sounds to me like an adhesion is wrapped around her intestine to make the hour glass shape. That's the way they can see evidence of adhesions is if they are affecting our organs or intestines like that.

Good Luck
Thanks TEMarie. The radiologist thought it was more the way she healed or because the surgery was a side by side strictureplasty versus a resection.

It will not work, it says the file is too big and I zipped it but it still will not send the picture!

So I got the pictures into an album, but I think I may need permission to post them so I took them down, it's just an empty album until I hear back if it's okay to post. Yikes!
Last edited by beckysmom
beckysmum.. those drugs she is on could have flipped her bacterial imbalance. I really think you should ask her GI doctors about SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth). Nothing to lose by getting them to investigate and treat that, while figuring out the bigger problem of adhesions, etc.

I have sibo very very badly. I think what started it for me was IV antibiotics when I was hospitalized in february of this year. And then my five previous massive abdominal surgeries surely have resulted in massive adhesions and messed up motility. For me, probiotics seem to make the symptoms much worse.
The results can be skewed by antibiotic use but with severe SIBO you'll test positive even with the antibiotics on board (I did). There is a very restrictive diet you must follow the day before (I don't remember all the rules, just that the only things I ate were plain white rice and plain baked chicken breast). Even so it's got to be the easiest/least invasive diagnostic test you can have in this situation so I really recommend it.
beckysmum, I never had the breath test. I think a lot of docs don't bother with that. The easiest way to know if its sibo is to do a course of xifaxan and see if it gets better. My doc, Shen at CC, did do yet another ileoscope to make sure crohns wasn't showing up , but he had guessed it was sibo due to bloating, weight loss, pain after eating, etc.. and gave me xifaxan. Also knowing my lengthy surgical history, he definitely felt it was a bacterial problem.

So if it gets better with xifaxan, then you know its sibo. More accurate even than breath test supposedly.

Diet is a big factor for some with bacterial overgrowth. In simplest sense... cut out ALL sugars and reduce carbs and fiber. So for now, you could just suggest to your daughter to stop any sugars. Problem is sugar is in things that you aren't even aware of. But if she cuts out sugar, it might help with the bloating and pain.

Hopefully they can figure out the mechanical problem, or it will work itself out with yoga, PT, etc..
best wishes for her.
Thanks again Liz. She is cutting out sugar...she is working on completely removing it. Maybe she can take Xifaxin 200mg, since when she took the 550mg it made her very sick.

She is continuing with biofeedback and starting PT tomorrow to see if it can help. She would love not to need another surgery.

Thanks again, and I kinda like Beckysmum!

Take care of yourself.
TE generously sent me the xray pictures...Wow! The poor kid! That is some narrwoing she has looks like a butterfly or like her poor gut has a corset tightened around it...that must be really painful for the kid...I cannot see if it is being caused by adhesions that are stangling it from the outside (not visible on xrays) or if it is a stricture caused by interieur thing is sure...She needs it fixed....Can they baloon it? Do they need to do a strictureplasty or release the adhesions?...Those are the real questions that the surgeons have to ask themselves...
Hang in there and give her a hug from us...
Thank you Sharon for looking at this. Hugs to you too.

That is the site of her strictureplasty from January. The radiologist believes it is also a motility problem there because of the way it looks when the barium went through. The surgeon out there says it could be the problem but maybe not at all, he wants to take a look around with a cut across her mid section to take a look see!! Her surgeon here says some people heal that way and would like to avoid surgery if possible, so she is trying biofeedback and now PT. The radiologist says he thinks it was because the strictureplasty was a side by side rather than a resection and he thinks a resection would fix it. That would be surgery #5 and my daughter just had her last surgery 5 months ago there. She also does not take narcotics since her neurotoxic reaction and brain injury so the past 2 surgeries have been done with epidurals and spinals with numbing medicine in them and then tylenol afterwards...this is very hard on her, with the additional pain. We were hoping it would work itself out, if that even seems possible. The GI that did the higher up scope said that she passed the scope without any narrowing and had to have gone past that site (at 40-50cm) because she went up 120cm. The only thing she said was that she had sharp turns. So there was nothing to dilate in her opinion. What do you do for sharp turns????? She can't have every sharp turn corrected and then more surgery means more adhesions and more pain.... The GI out there keeps saying it's hypersensitivity bowels and wants her to take anticholergenics to relax the bowel but she can't take them and function (makes her very wonky feeling). When the surgeon at home went in in January he said she didn't have a lot of adhesions, and she had just had surgery in May to change the inlet to her pouch.

Don't know what to do....
The poor kid seems to be getting it left, right and turns? Well they cannot spend their time correcting them all...Too bad that they can't slink a tube in there and do it that would be so much easier...laporoscopy is the easiest surgery on adhesions and the easiest to support but the question is what can they/will they do? Anticholergenics? If she can't function on them then she needs to do a test during weekends or summer vacation...(and not drive)...I remember trying to go to highschool on high doeses of codine for my colon...yikes...not great at all...
Has she tried an elimination diet? A 24hr liquid fast followed by a slow and steady integration of one food group at a time (and keeping a strict food diary) to see if there isn't a culprit among them that agravated her may not cure her or heal her but it may contribute to reducing some of her pain/gas/swelling etc...
I am reaching for straws here hoping to find something...
Keep up the hope
I won't say, " pray that it is adhesions' because they are a nasty piece of work...they can gum up the works something awful and they can return like a bad dream, regularly...but yes, it would be preferable to needing a resection...(and can be done through laporoscopy if not too complicated)...please encourage her to try the illimination diet, it may help...also, now is the time for her to invest in a good hand blender...she can blend most of her fruits and veggies and fibers so that she doesn't miss out on the foods that she needs or loves but avoids the glogs and blockages that way...

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