Hi my name is Thea,I'm 40 and the mother of 2 boys 17 and 11 and I have UC or I did really bad back in 2006. In January 2008 I had a complete colectomy with an ileostomy bag. My surgeon also wanted me to lose a ton of weight including the extra 50 Lbs I aquired from the year and a half on prednisone, in December 2008 I had a Sleeve Gastrectomy done to my stomach which allowed me to lose 75 Lbs and thats all, just completly stopped losing after the 1st year. Long story short I did everything possible to continue to lose weight to make my surgeon happy but it was never enough for him. He screwed with my mind and my life for 4 years. I found another surgeon who was more than happy to do my reversal and reconnect. I just had this done this summer July and August I was in the hospital, I had my J Pouch created and went home in a week then was back the next day because my stoma was reverting back inside,this was a complete and total nightmare, I lived like that for 3 weeks and had an early reconnect. Since I have been home, its been a little over 3 months and I am suffering tremendously. My nutrition is a complete joke, no dairy no fruit, vegetables whole wheats etc basicaly anything good for you is bad for me. I have a double wammie because of the sleeve, they took most of my stomach away including the part that creates the acids to help break down the foods, I feel like a recycling machine (just my little humor, gotta have it or I will go insane. My bum is so sore everyday sitting, standing, walking Im always burning, itching, and irritated, every cream and ointment that exists I have, the only one that doesn't hurt is A & D ointment, I'm still wearing depends to bed and waking up most nights in discomfort going to the bathroom constantly or waking up fully loaded. Has this happened to anyone else? Is this a normal part of the healing process? I also have to stretch my butt hole everyday with a tool my ostemy nurse gave me, which I gotta say is miserable. I leak I can't find a happy medium, If I get one day a week with out discomfort its a miracle. This is putting a big damper on my life, I'm almost thinking I made a mistake and should have kept the miserable bag. Help here in MASS, any advice or just someone to understand what I'm going through is appreciated... Sorry if I rambled.
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