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Unfortunately removing adhesions can lead to...more adhesions. Kind of a temporary fix.

I think I've had it done once but surgeons really don't want to do it over and over again.

If they don' do anything now, wait a while and go back. Squeaky wheel and all...

I know have pain off and on due to adhesions and use heat when it's bad - hot bath, heating pad, etc. Massaging the area also works for me.

Sadly, it seems some of us (i.e. me) grow adhesions quite well. Such a talent.

I hope you are able to get some relief.

This is all depressing to me. After 5 abdominal surgeries and being checked for strictures etc. I've been told I have IPS and adhesions and nothing seems to be helping. It doesn't matter what diet I eat or antispasmodic medications for my IPS, I'm still relying on pain medications.

My surgeon asked me what I was doing for pain maintenance and I told him Norco and he nodded his head and said he'd see me next year. (My Internist handles all of my medicatopms.)

There is a kind of massage that trained Physical Therapists and some Licensed Massage Therapists can do but I've found no one yet. I have dropped the ball on this as have been distracted by my other health issues. The medical doctors don't think this works anyway.

There are people on here who have received help this way, hopefully they will post.

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